Sokoban is a puzzle game created by Hiroyuki Imabayashi in 1981.
The game consists of a grid of squares populated with:
- a single player, who starts in a position that allows for free movement
- multiple boxes that the player can push across the grid
- designated checkpoints, whose count is equal to the number of boxes
- walls / obstacles that neither the player nor the boxes can traverse
The goal is for the player to move all of the boxes to their designated checkpoints without trapping the boxes in between the walls or in a corner.
- Dynamic movement of player across game grid created with Easel.js
- ES6 logic to render grid, move player, check for victory, and transition to next level
- Menu dropdown offers player chance to instantly switch to another level
- Custom actions (reset level, skip level, reset game) to improve user experience
- 30 levels of varying difficulty
- 4 directions (left, right, up, down) of player movement are handled by single DRY function with helper methods
getAdjacentTiles(direction, row, column) {
const playerTile = this.getGridObject(row, column);
const player = this.playerObject;
let oneTileFromPlayer, twoTilesFromPlayer;
switch(direction) {
case "right":
oneTileFromPlayer = this.getGridObject(row, column + 1);
twoTilesFromPlayer = this.getGridObject(row, column + 2);
case "up":
oneTileFromPlayer = this.getGridObject(row - 1, column);
twoTilesFromPlayer = this.getGridObject(row - 2, column);
- jQuery helper methods update game statistics for every player action as well as upon level reset
function createNewGame(level) {
sokoban = new Sokoban(level);
board = sokoban.board;
$("#level").text(sokoban.level + 1);
$("#select-level").val(sokoban.level + 1);
$("#reset-level").click(event => {
- Instantiation of a new level iterates over multi-dimensional array of 1-character strings to create game objects (player, checkpoint, box, wall)
compile(textGrid) {
return, rowIndex) => {
return, colIndex) => {
let floor, box, player, checkpoint;
switch(symbol) {
case "#":
return new Wall(rowIndex, colIndex);
case " ":
return new Floor(rowIndex, colIndex);
case "@":
floor = new Floor(rowIndex, colIndex);
floor.player = new Player(rowIndex, colIndex);
this.playerObject = floor.player;
return floor;