is a simple haskell command line tool that generates a QR code from an input text and shows the result in the terminal or saves it into an Image File.
Before building you will need to install the C library libqrencode, because it is required by haskell-qrencode.
Other libraries used:
- hip to create and write an Image
- optparse-applicative to parse the command line arguments
You also need GHC and cabal-install. Then you can build with:
$ cabal build
You can run: qrgen --help
to read all the available options:
Simple QR code generator; outputs to Image File or Terminal
Usage: qrgen (-i|--input STRING) [-b|--border INT] [-s|--scale DOUBLE]
([-o|--output FILENAME] | [-p|--print])
QR code generator
Available options:
-i,--input STRING Input text for the QR code
-b,--border INT Border size (1 or more suggested) (default: 3)
-s,--scale DOUBLE Scale the image by a factor (ignored by
terminal) (default: 10.0)
-o,--output FILENAME Write result to output image
-p,--print Write to terminal (default)
-h,--help Show this help text