
Project to develop Odoo modules in vscode

Primary LanguagePython

Odoo in docker

Dockerized version of Odoo for development and debugging. You will need docker-compose for this to run or vscode to develop inside a container.


# start up odoo and the database
docker-compose up -d

# mount odoo source files hosted locally
git clone --depth=1 -b 16.0 git@github.com:odoo/odoo.git
mkdir odoo-addons
cat > docker-compose.override.yaml <<EOF
version: "3.7"

    - ./odoo:/opt/odoo:cached
    - ./odoo-addons:/mnt/odoo-addons:cached

# connect and run things on the containers
docker-compose exec odoo bash
docker-compose exec odoo odoo shell
docker-compose exec db psql -U odoo -l

# copy files to and from the container
docker copy myfile.tar dockerodoo-odoo-1:/

Since the default configuration is set to connect to odoo, you can run commands inside the odoo container without specifying most parameters.

# run the shell
odoo shell

# connect to the database or list them
psql -U odoo -h db
psql -U odoo -h db -l

Project Structure

 ├── .devcontainer/        # vscode development in container
 │   ├── devconainer.json    # definition of the container
 │   └── docker-vscode.yaml  # docker-compose for the container
 ├── .vscode/              # vscode default configuration
 ├── custom/               # Custom modules goes here, put them inside separate directories
 │   ├── OCA/
 │   └── myaddons/
 ├── resources/            # Scripts for service automation
 ├── ...                   # Common files (.gitignore, etc.)
 ├── .env                  # Environment definition
 ├── Dockerfile            # Image definition
 ├── docker-compose.yml    # The default docker-compose
 ├── requirements-dev.txt  # Python requirements for development
 ├── vscode.code-workspace # workspace to use inside the container
 └── README.md             # This file

The Dockerfile

We are starting from the official Odoo docker image. We move Odoo sources to /opt/odoo (ODOO_BASEPATH) so that you can easily mount your own sources. We install click-odoo-contrib and debugpy; replace the entrypoint and add a health check to the image.

You can set up environment variables in .env file. These are loaded into the odoo container and a configuration file is generated every time the container starts at /etc/odoo/odoo.conf. The default database is odoo.

The addon's directories are found in the following locations:

  • ODOO_BASEPATH where you find Odoo source code
  • ODOO_EXTRA_ADDONS where you find your addons
  • ODOO_BASE_ADDONS where you find other already available addons like enterprise (optional)

Addon paths are generated dynamically, so you can checkout entire Odoo addon repositories in the custom directory and it will build all the paths. ODOO_BASE_ADDONS is there if your docker image already contains some addons.

vscode: devcontainer

Remote Containers extension.

Inside the Dockerfile, there is a separate stage in the Dockerfile for vscode. Inside devcontainer, the user is vscode (uid=1000 - as probably is your user) which we create here, beacuse odoo's uid=101.

File locations:

  • The workspace is mounted at /odoo-workspace
  • ODOO_EXTRA_ADDONS=/odoo-workspace/custom
  • ODOO_BASEPATH=/opt/odoo
  • ODOO_BASE_ADDONS=/mnt/odoo-addons

Development and Testing


A simple script pre-commit is there to lint the code before committing. You can install it as a hook or run manually with ./pre-commit lint if you want the full checks.

Backup and restore database

You can use click-odoo-contrib to backup, restore, copy databases and related jobs. It is installed on the odoo container, so you could just mount a /mnt/backup folder and use it for files.

You can also use click-odoo-initdb or click-odoo-update to update installed modules.

Running tests

# inside the devcontainer
odoo --test-enable --stop-after-init -i template_module -d test_db_1
# alternatively
odoo-test -t -a template_module -d test_db_1

# using docker-compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.test.yaml run --rm odoo


Based on:

Bunch of ideas taken from: