Make Linked Booster benchmarking less painful
This helps:
- Capture screen at specific regions with interval
- Read texts from screenshots with OCR
- Extract benchmark values from OCR-ed text
Built with:
- Tesseract.js: OCR module using AI
- sharp: Used for image processing to help Tesseract read image with higher accuracy
Quick Demo
- Node 14+
- Python 3.8
- Windows OS
Open Terminal, run:
npm install -g node-gyp
npm install -g windows-build-tools
Open project root folder, run:
yarn install
mean required
node screen-capture.js
Params | Description | Value |
dashboard * | Coordinates of Dashboard region | [left]-[top]-[width]-[height] |
task-manager * | Coordinates of Task Manager region | [left]-[top]-[width]-[height] |
namespace * | Name of the capture | Differentiate different captures |
interval | Interval between captures in milliseconds | A number. Default: 1000 |
node screen-capture.js --dashboard 627-592-309-88 --task-manager 1032-76-859-283 --namespace snapshots_1
node extract-texts.js
Params | Description | Value |
namespace * | Name of the capture do you want to analyze | Capture name: Ex: capture_1 |
batch-size * | The tool process images in batches. Higher batch size will slightly reduce processing time (about 5 - 10%) but more chance of unexpected error while running | A number. Default: 3 |
node extract-texts.js --batch-size 4 --namespace snapshots_1
node benchmark.js
Params | Description | Value |
namespace * | Name of the capture do you want to analyze | Capture name: Ex: capture_1 |
node benchmark.js --namespace snapshots_1
- Open Chrome and Chrome Task Manager on your Primary Display, put them to equal grids like this
- Use some image editing tools to find coordinates of the regions you want to capture. For example.
- Dashboard region:
left: 620
,top: 613
,width: 309
,height: 88
- Task manager region:
left: 1029
,top: 75
,width: 859
,height: 283
- Open Extensions page and disable others extensions
- Open Dashboard Devtools. Select display mode as floating windows
- Focus on the floating Devtools and press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the root Devtools
- Paste in this code into the Console and Enter. It will throttle CPU in half. Can customize throttling rate with the
let Main = await import('./devtools-frontend/front_end/entrypoints/main/main.js');
await Main.MainImpl.sendOverProtocol('Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate', { rate: 2 });
- After arranging windows and identify capturing regions coordinates
- Start terminal at root folder
- Run Command I to capture. Ctrl + C to stop capturing
- Run command Command II with
same as step 3 - Run command Command III with
same as step 3 - The benchmark values will be logged to Terminal
Find the file with name: eng.traineddata
in the root folder and delete it, then run the command again