Github events

Project to save and filter github events using webhooks

Getting Started

To run this project on your machine you only need to follow those steps:

  1. Install Postgres
  2. Install ngrok
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run rake db:create
  5. Run rake db:migrate
  6. Run ngrok http 3000. It will build the url to use at the next step.
  8. Run rails db:fixtures:load. This is step is optional. It will populate the db with some seed data. You can use some of the users to sign in.

The project index will show all repositories created by events triggered by Github and some settings to configure the webhooks at Github.


All tests were made with Rails native suite test, to run it you need to use this command:

rails test


It only have two endpoints:

  1. /events. Used to create events from hooks
  2. issues/:issue_id/events. Paginated endpoint to list all events from an issue.