
DoubleMap is a hashmap that can be accessed from both the key and the value. As such, it is a value<->value store, not a key->value one. It is useful in situations where one would usually keep two hashmaps in sync like so:

aToB := make(map[A]B)
bToA := make(map[B]A)

func add(a A, b B) {
	aToB[a] = b
	bToA[b] = a

This has the disadvantage of storing the same content twice. Another approach is to have a single hashmap and loop through to perform the reverse:

type aToB map[A]B
dmap := make(aToB)

func (m aToB) BToA(b B) a A {
	for k, v := range m {
		if k == b {
			return v

This has the disadvantage of being much slower and intensive in one direction compared to the other.

DoubleMap solves this by storing a storing both values under their hashes, in a tree like so:

+ abb0:
  + 2810:
    + 5490:
      + 3935:
        + e6a8:
          + 46c4:
            + 8dae:
              + c2b7:
                + 18ca:
                  + 4d60:
                    + 5707:
                      + 549c:
                        + 4cf1:
                          + b0cd:
                            + 13cc:
                              + 79ba:
                                + 2b37:
                                  + 1992:
                                    + 6a4b:
                                      - 35da: [2]Value{1, 2}

Here, hash(1) == ab 28 54 39 e6 46 8d c2 18 4d 57 54 4c b0 13 79 2b 19 6a 35 and hash(2) == b0 10 90 35 a8 c4 ae b7 ca 60 07 9c f1 cd cc ba 37 92 4b da.

Thus, access and setting always take twenty 65536-iteration loops, and presence checking takes a best case of 1 loop and a worst case of 20. The hash function used gives a rather good spread, and the theoretical space is (a bit less than) 2^320 value pairs (this is a bit abstract, so let's just say that it's larger than IPv6's address space).


DoubleMap is implemented in Go.

import ""


dm := doublemap.New()

Add / Set

dm.Add("abcde", -0.456)


dm.GetFromA("abcde") //=> -0.456
dm.GetFromB(-0.456)  //=> "abcde"

dm.GetFromEither("abcde") //=> -0.456
dm.GetFromEither(-0.456)  //=> "abcde"

In case of pairs with common members:

dm.Add("I", "me")
dm.Add("I", "myself")

dm.GetFromA("I")      //=> "me"
dm.GetFromB("me")     //=> "I"
dm.GetFromB("myself") //=> "I"


Not implemented (yet?)


dm.Dump() // Prints structure to STDOUT

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There's different ways to store the data structure. In this first Go implementation, I chose to use SHA1 to hash, but reverse the hash to avoid a few problems (e.g. first few bytes could be manipulated / predicted). Go doesn't provide an easy way to manipulate nibbles instead of bytes, so I was constrained into using a 20-level tree of 65536-element arrays (with short-sized keys), instead of the more efficient 40-level tree of 256-element arrays (with byte-sized keys). You are welcome to try different configurations.