
Dynamic / hands-off nightlies repackaging for Arch (just Firefox Nightly at the moment) — Abandoned. Install yourself a user-writable firefox nightly and keep it update using its internal mechanism: faster, lighter for traffic, more secure.



Provides an Archlinux repo of a nightly binary without any manual updating or intervention needed. Does its work lazily (no cron!) so won't incur any bandwidth if it's not used.

(Currently only hosts Firefox Nightly, but has plans for more.)


  • Because I don't have the time.
  • Because you don't want to wait.

Why not?

  • If you don't care about getting the latest nightly when it's out rather than several hours (or days!) later.
  • If you don't trust me.
  • If you're far from the server running this and the CDN isn't helping and you want better speeds.

Then either use the AUR package or run this software yourself.

How to use it

Add this to your /etc/pacman.conf

Server = https://nightlies.passcod.name/firefox-nightly/$arch
SigLevel = PackageOptional

Install the package:

pacman -Sy firefox-nightly

# Alternatively, with auto-updates enabled:
pacman -Sy firefox-nightly-auto
# be sure to follow instructions

How it works

  1. When a request for the repo database comes in (i.e. when pacman -Sy is invoked), Nightlies checks its upstream (for Firefox Nightly, the Mozilla servers) for an update. If there is none, it happily returns the existing database file. If there is one, it downloads and creates a new package as fast as it can, notably omitting any compression.

  2. When that's done, a background process is kicked off to compress all files as much as it can and regenerate the repo metadata in consequence.

How to self host

  1. Clone this repo
  1. Run npm i
  2. Run node .
  3. Point your pacman to the server