
Unused, unmaintained, and deprecated!!! 🍳 Archiver and deleter for tweets

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what does this do?

Omelette is a collection of small tools:

  • omelette-sync fetches from the Twitter API and stores a copy of all your own tweets, or as far as it sees them, plus media entity metadata.

  • omelette-delete processes deletions requests.

  • omelette-migrate-db prepares the database.

  • omelette-mediatise retrieves media content from entities and stores it all locally, so you can also archive/backup all photos, videos, GIFs, etc.

  • omelette-cleanup parses the database for #cleanup requests and figures out which tweets and threads to request deletion for.

  • omelette-twitter-archive imports tweets from an old format Twitter Archive file, either directly from the zip or from the extracted tweets.csv. Tweets will need to be hydrated afterwards aka fill in the details as the archive data is very sparse, see below. (TODO: support new format)

  • omelette-twitter-events is a web server that sets up and consumes account activity webhook events, stores incoming tweets, and can trigger other omelette tools in turn. (TODO)

  • omelette-twitter-blocks imports your entire block list as user IDs. It is pretty slow as Twitter heavily rate limits the calls and there is no useful way to resume the process. Users will need to be hydrated afterwards.

  • omelette-twitter-hydrate hydrates tweets and users from the API when needed. This is the follow-up step to importing blocks or from archive.

You can bolt on additional behaviour simply by running a script or tool of your own that reads statuses from and writes deletion requests to the database. Please contribute useful tools back to this repo!

how do i run them?

Like all twitter tools, this needs keys. It’s to be used only in a personal capacity, so there’s no need to do lots of OAuth. Just sign up for an app, get your tokens, put them into your environment:


Then you’ll need a Postgres database. There’s not gonna be much load on it, so just spin one right next to your app, or whatever is most convenient, create a database the usual way, put the URL in your environment:


As an optimisation, you’ll also need your user ID. If you don’t know it, you can look it up using any of a number of services, like this one: https://tweeterid.com/


At the first run, and after upgrades, you’ll need to set up the database:


And finally, run some omelette tools. Some examples:

# Back up tweets and pull down any media
omelette-sync && omelette-mediatise

# Parse `#cleanup` requests and mark threads for deleting

# Show what would be deleted
omelette-delete --dry-run

# Actually delete tweets

…which i install how?

If you’ve got macOS, Windows, or Linux, head on over to the releases tab.

Otherwise, if you’ve got Rust installed, clone and cargo build --release!

any general tips?

Pass the --dotenv flag to load from a .env file in the current directory.

Run omelette-delete with --dry-run for a few days or weeks before trusting it to do the right thing automatically. You can run it in --interactive mode during that time to get prompted before deleting each tweet.

Every time there’s an update to omelette, do that again. There’s no undo, no way to insert tweets back where they were again, so be careful with it.

Most tools with omelette are designed to be run at intervals, they’re not daemons. Use crons or systemd timers to run them every so often. You’ll want to pick a rate that doesn’t hit the API too much, while still being useful. This varies by tool, but 5 minutes is often a good default. You may also hook them to an omelette event daemon (see below).

got more docs?


Only works on old-format Twitter archives (before 2019) for now.

This tool works on a downloaded Twitter archive file, which can be requested from Twitter and will be emailed to you (warning: in some known cases, high-volume tweeters have been unable to get their archive file).

If you’ve already extracted your archive, you can point the tool the tweets.csv file. Otherwise, pointing the tool to the zip file will work too, at a slight speed penalty. The tool batches and streams the import, so it will not eat all your memory even if you have lots of history.

The import has two steps: the “slim” pass, and the “hydrate” pass.

In the “slim” pass, the tweets are read from the archive into the database. But the archive is very light on details and contains ambiguous information in many cases, so the tool only stores what it is sure of.

In the “hydrate” pass, the tool goes back to the Twitter API and looks up tweets from the service, requesting the full set of information and filling the gaps in the database. If it cannot find a tweet, it marks it as deleted in the database.

Because archives can contain lots of tweets, this pass is pre-emptively throttled to batches of 100 tweets every 5 seconds, which means it can take a long time to hydrate all tweets! For this reason, the tool can be stopped at any time and restarted using the --only-hydrate flag, which will skip the first pass and keep hydrating remaining tweets.

The --only-slim flag can be used to only run the first pass, if you know you don’t have time or are on a metered internet connection, for example.

twitter-events (not implemented yet)

This tool is a daemon that serves a web service and registers it as a webhook on your user account. Twitter then delivers account activity events as HTTP POST requests to the server. When the tool shuts down it will unregister the webhook.

If you have Tor installed and configured, and pass the --tor flag, the tool will attempt to set up an onion service for its server, and register the webhook for onionservicename.onion.to. The --tor-gateway <DOMAIN> option allows to choose a different gateway, and the --tor-v3 flag switches to use v3 onions (but note that Tor2Web does not support them at this time). Running with Tor allows you to run from behind a firewall, which increases convenience and security, but please note that the gateway is able to see all your data.

Otherwise, you’ll need to run the tool on a server with a public interface, or rig up a tunnel somehow (for example using ngrok, but note ngrok’s limits may not suffice, as each event will count for one connection).

You can pass the --public <URL> option to tell the tool about the public URL for the service, otherwise it will attempt to determine its own public IP, and will error if it cannot successfully establish a public service.

The --on-<event> <TOOL> series of options will run the named tool (which can be an omelette tool or any other program in PATH) when an event is received, but after the event has been processed internally first (i.e. tweets added to the database, etc). The environment variable OMELETTE_STREAM_EVENT will be set, and the payload will be piped to the tool’s STDIN in JSON format.

For example, you’ll probably want to run --on-create omelette-cleanup.

There’s also a special event --on-boot that runs after the webhook service has been configured, registered, and connectivity has been checked by Twitter. You can find the whole list of events with --help.

the story

The initial impetus to making omelette was to recreate @MylesBorins’s cleanup tool.

The original idea is simple: given a tweet calling the bot with the hashtag #cleanup and a time delay in seconds to hours, delete the entire thread, that is, go up the reply chain and stop after the first tweet that either has no parent or whose parent is someone else’s tweet (we can only delete our own).

Unfortunately, the original stopped working when Twitter disabled its stream API.

So this conceptually started as a re-implementation. However it quickly became clear that while the cleanup tool is occasionally useful, what's better for me is a personal database of all tweets and various other aspects. That lets me make powerful queries against my own data, keep a fairly complete backup, that is kept up to date on a regular basis, and can feed automation and action tools.

who do i have to thank for this?

There’s me, @passcod.

There’s @MylesBorins who started the whole thing.

There’s Diesel and Egg Mode that do the heavy lifting.

any last words?

This work is made available to you under the terms of the Artistic 2.0 license. Don’t be a jerk. Additionally, the Contributor Covenant applies.

This may contain bugs. One of the reasons it saves to DB is to avoid complete disaster if it deletes stuff it’s not supposed to. But just in case, I advise running with the --dry-run flag before trusting it, and after upgrades.

I am not responsible for you losing your tweets. See clause 14.