All the Materials and Tools provided in here are strictly for educational purposes, we do not endorse any illegal activities related to spam/fraud. We are here to learn how to interact with Discord's API.
Additionally, any discussion of the fraudelent activities within our community/usage of the software for said means will result in a permament ban within the software, dont tell me that i didnt warned you.
We know the rules and so do you.
DMDPie Introduction:
What is DMDPie?
DMDPie is a GUI based software with the ability of multithreaded interacions with the Disocrd's api, which goal is to improve quality of the process, give better results and CPU (Cost per use). Easy to use, easy to understand, even easier to work with!
Our software have been tested with those services:
Proxy: IProyal Royal Residental
Captcha: CapSolver.com
If you are using any other proxy/captcha service - we cannot guarantee any results, nor will we debug any problem related to your specific case
get your setup in a right condition and read this faq prior askin any questions/reporting problems in the chat!
Technical Questions:
Proxies - Where to get and which format?
Which proxy provider each User is using is up to them. Recommendations are IPRoyal or Packetstream. For the best results possible make sure to find a provider that is very less used by Discords Mass DM Community. The Proxy-Format is login:pass@ip:port. We do not recommend using rotating proxies, use sticky ones. Proxies with IP binding wont work at all.
What about Tokens?
Multiformatting is supported (Email:pass:token, Token:pass, Only Token, and other), just select your desired input format in the menu on the bottom side of the software. Make sure to not mix token formats. Tokens belong to 'Tokens.txt'.
If you're using Aged or fresh tokens is up to you. Results may vary (depending on E-Mail probider, token state[E-Mail verified, Phone verified], Age). Mass DM'ing with fresh tokens is definitely possible but captchas may appear.
Some of our Users achieve up to 3,000 DMs per Token on aged ones. Fresh Tokens (Phone verified) with G-Mail verification can do up to 10 DMs catpchaless, while having doing up to 300 DMs with solving captchas, which you can see here:
Sounds great, what about captchas?
DMDPie supports CapMonster , 2Captcha and CapSolver. We recommend using CapSolver.com.
How to bypass captchas:
How many tokens can i use simultaniously on the same server?
Make sure to not use more than 10 tokens with the same registration date on your targetted Server. For example if you have 10 tokens of 01.01.2020 and 10 tokens of 03.01.2020 you're good to go, but if there is 11th, youll triger server's internal antibot and flag entire pack that is related to that date: https://t.me/mrtoken_upd/183
What is internal Antibot?
Internal AntiBot is Discords Antiraid / AntiBot which is hiddenly present on every server. Once triggering Discords internal Antibot, it will automatically put the Server in "AntiBot" Mode, which will result in Captchas on join and flagged Tokens.
DMDPie gives you an Option to solve Captchas on join (not recommended) which can flag the Token(s) and face Captchas on DMs.
If you ever facing captchas on join with known good tokens (you can test this by joining another server and if there is no captcha - then server you are trying to join is ratelimited) you have to spot your joining process and wait at least 30 minutes before antibot mode is off.
Remember, you aren't alone, and some other user might be trying to do the same server as you are (happens to popular servers), and some servers will be just constantly ratelimited.
If you ignore that time, and you're starting to join after 15 Minutes, you'll just retrigger antibot.
Settings to use:
What are the best DM Settings?:
There is no defenitive answer for that, but we will try give you our intake on what works and the reasoning behind it.
Simplified settings are:
Threads : Amount of tokens you desire to use.
Sleep on start: Either 1 or any custom number, it will allow you to start every thread with a desired delay, which will theoretily will help with suspicion avoidance, i.e. less tokens starting all together at the same time.
You can also use the formula of Sleep on start (=650/threads) to acheive really interesting results.
Sleep between dms: When determining your sleep between dms you should always rememeber that 1 token can send max 10 dm/10 min(failed included). After that it will have to sleep for some time,
therefore, if you are trying to send messages with 1 second delay, they will be send out in a matter of 10 seconds, but then will have to sleep for 10 minutes.
That can be avoided by setting your delay between dms on 75, assuring that your token wont send more then 10 messages in 10 minutes, so the best settings is either 1 or 75.
Sleep on ratelimit:
Would depend on how fast you are sending the messages! :)
Classic setting is 600, but you can experiment with it, if you use higher delays between dms since normally, you should never face ratelimit by using those.
Just join our telegram chat and get help by out amazing community or by our developers. We ask you to DM the Developers only if urgent problems are appearing.