- 0x01、用友nc6.5反序列化依赖jar包
- 部分依赖jar包在安装完nc6.5系统后,一般在
目录下,前提需要有nc6.5的安装包;或者下载仓库内的依赖包: - 本机运行环境
java version "1.8.0_181"/javac 1.8.0_181
- 学习教程README
- 下载
- 单jar包:点击ncdepend.jar链接 -> Download.
- 整包yonyou-NCv6.5-lib.zip链接 -> 单击链接下载
- 部分依赖jar包在安装完nc6.5系统后,一般在
- 1x01、WALL_LISTSSwitchyOmega使用方法
- auto switch
- 规则列表设置 -> AutoProxy
- 规则列表网址 ->
- 立即更新
- 参考链接
- 2x01、Bin4llDocker
- 3x01、Collection of verified vulnerabilities
- C(ollection) O(f) V(erified) V(ulnerabilities)
- 记录已复现所有web、中间件相关漏洞、payload
- 洞察相关漏洞、payload的产生原因、区别
- Power by Bin4xin
- more...
- C(ollection) O(f) V(erified) V(ulnerabilities)
- 4x01、CTF
- 个人CTF比赛复盘文件共享;更多请点击此处了解。
- 5x01、uBlacklist_LISTS
- 来源:@YeSilin/uBlacklist{:target="_blank"}
- 订阅更新:
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- i.Any direct or indirect consequences and losses caused by the dissemination and use of the information provided by this library/text are the responsibility of the user himself, and the author of this article does not bear any responsibility for this.
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