Build a passive income and audience by automating games, websites and mobile applications with free and open-source software.
Pinned Repositories
This repository contains a Chrome extension designed to streamline the user experience of ElevenLabs dubbing with YouTube.
This repository contains a script to scrape Facebook Marketplace data using Playwright, BeautifulSoup and Streamlit.
An open-source Java program to log into Microsoft Rewards using Playwright. The program navigates to the login page, waits for the username field, enters the username, waits for the password field, enters the password, clicks the login button, and waits for the dashboard page to load.
This repository hosts the Midjourney Automation Bot, a free script leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3 for automated image generation via Discord. It offers a simple web interface, customizable settings, and is MIT licensed for ease of use and adaptation.
An open-source Python program to automate generating images using the Midjourney bot on Discord. The program uses Selenium and OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate image prompts and then downloads upscaled bot-generated images.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
An open-source Python program to store and manage Steam keys. It uses an SQLite database to store the keys and a Tkinter GUI, allowing users to easily add, edit, and delete keys. This program also has a search feature that allows users to quickly find keys by searching for the game name.
This script is like a magic trick for your computer! It makes it so when you press and hold the q or e keys on your keyboard, your computer will keep typing that letter over and over again, like you are tapping the key very fast.
An open-source Python program to store and manage Xbox Game Pass membership codes in an SQLite database. The program uses Tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) to enter and display codes. The program uses an SQLite database to store the codes, allowing the user to delete codes from the database.
An open-source Python program to scrape clearance items from the Zara website and store the data in a database using Playwright, BeautifulSoup, SQLite, and Tkinter.
Passivebot's Repositories
This repository contains a script to scrape Facebook Marketplace data using Playwright, BeautifulSoup and Streamlit.
This repository hosts the Midjourney Automation Bot, a free script leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3 for automated image generation via Discord. It offers a simple web interface, customizable settings, and is MIT licensed for ease of use and adaptation.
This repository contains a Chrome extension designed to streamline the user experience of ElevenLabs dubbing with YouTube.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
An open-source Java program to log into Microsoft Rewards using Playwright. The program navigates to the login page, waits for the username field, enters the username, waits for the password field, enters the password, clicks the login button, and waits for the dashboard page to load.
An open-source Python program to scrape clearance items from the Zara website and store the data in a database using Playwright, BeautifulSoup, SQLite, and Tkinter.
An open-source Python program to automate generating images using the Midjourney bot on Discord. The program uses Selenium and OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate image prompts and then downloads upscaled bot-generated images.
This is the source code for the Passivebot website at
An open-source Python program to store and manage Steam keys. It uses an SQLite database to store the keys and a Tkinter GUI, allowing users to easily add, edit, and delete keys. This program also has a search feature that allows users to quickly find keys by searching for the game name.
This script is like a magic trick for your computer! It makes it so when you press and hold the q or e keys on your keyboard, your computer will keep typing that letter over and over again, like you are tapping the key very fast.
An open-source Python program to store and manage Xbox Game Pass membership codes in an SQLite database. The program uses Tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) to enter and display codes. The program uses an SQLite database to store the codes, allowing the user to delete codes from the database.