
Password security auditing tool for login over HTTP GET or HTTP Basic Authentication.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Password security auditing tool for login over HTTP GET or HTTP Basic Authentication. Use responsibly please.



This is a very basic utility for brute-forcing web applications that authenticate via username/password parameters passed as HTTP GET parameters or via HTTP basic authentication. This utility was originally written to audit networked devices for cross-protocol vulnerability to the password guessing attack used by the Mirai botnet worm to propagate.


It's a Python script, so nothing special is needed. Just one of these:

python3 crawdad.py


Because this tool is designed to work with any web application that uses HTTP GET parameters/HTTP basic authentication then each attack under /attacks must be designed with a specific device/application in mind. The two devices I was working with (and have included auditing CSVs for) were:

  • The SMC Barricade ® wireless broadband router: /attacks/smc_barricade/mirai.csv
  • The ACTi ® D32 IP Security Camera: /attacks/acti_d32/mirai.csv

Briefly, use the program like this to audit an ACTi D32 security camera at IP address for vulnerability to the Mirai attack dictionary:

python3 crawdad.py -u -p attacks/acti_d32/mirai.csv -s LOGIN

Here's a quick animation showing Crawdad executing under the above configuration:


There really aren't that many options to get to grips with.

Option Required? Description
-u Yes The URL to audit.
-p <file> Yes The CSV file to use during the audit.
-s No The regex to use to match a successful response. Default to 200 OK at any response body.
-q No Silences the banner.
-h <u>,<p> No The column names to use for HTTP basic authentication username (<u>) and password (<p>) respectively, delimited by a comma. These columns will not be passed as HTTP GET parameters.

GET parameters are supplied in a CSV file with column headers corresponding to keys, like so:

root xc3511
root vizxv
root admin
... ...

The above will then post HTTP GET requests to a base URL (in this example, http://example.com with query strings as follows:


This CSV file has some special syntax for more nuanced functionality:

Symbol Meaning
# Do not pass this parameter, omitting it from the query string.
% Pass this parameter as a Boolean flag (i.e. a key without a value).


The standard disclaimer in the MIT license, under which this project is licensed, applies. Also, please use this utility for its intended purpose: auditing networks for insecure devices. Ensure you have permission, in writing, to run this tool on any network you do not personally own and adhere to applicable laws in your jurisdiction.


  • The Mirai attack dictionary bundled with this work was extracted from the Mirai source code repository.
  • This tool is named arbitrarily after a line from the Futurama episode The Deep South (S2E12).