A browser extension based on Create unique passwords for every webpage using a cryptographic hash algorithm.
- 27
All my profiles vanished
#198 opened by LazarusMarhenke - 3
- 6
Site matching fails to use the proper profile
#186 opened by INeedCaffeine - 21
Grouping of profiles
#167 opened by gwillegers - 10
- 3
Free text field
#176 opened by ericjacolin - 46
Removed from Chrome Webstore?
#180 opened by polm - 1
If I clone a just cloned profile while the sorting is on and the entry is sorted away from the new position cloning will clone its replacement
#174 opened by b3rnhard - 2
Export doesn't work with sync data?
#184 opened by jcam - 5
master password confirmation field cursor keeps jumping to first password field
#197 opened by muecnahc - 4
- 10
Not copying to clipboard?
#194 opened by polm - 19
Extension not working - does not find / offer any profiles to choose from
#192 opened by datasafeinternationalOfficial - 0
Profile List reordering using drag & drop
#157 opened by sunaku - 4
- 3
Import Profiles -> Choose File does not reload the previously already selected file
#173 opened by b3rnhard - 4
Offered Symbol Only Character Set Is Missing The " \ " Symbol. Therefore, Passwords Using This CS Will Not Be Backward Compatible With The Original PWM
#179 opened by GoneToHawaii - 4
Feature Request: Support during password change
#162 opened by manonfgoo - 4
Feature request: Combo box for making the password satisfy different requirements
#177 opened by polarka - 2
Get icon back on Menu bar
#178 opened by cscj001 - 2
Site matching fails to use the proper profile
#185 opened by INeedCaffeine - 2
Removed from stores?
#183 opened by BigBlueHat - 10
Proposed feature list
#140 opened by MrTact - 1
When closing Chrome and reopening it, my master pw is still set with Save Password: Per Session
#175 opened by b3rnhard - 14
No longer saving password per session
#172 opened by abudden - 7
Automatically remember last used profile
#151 opened by MrTact - 7
Passwordmaker doesn't show up when website uses separate login browser window
#169 opened by gwillegers - 2
User name field is not filled in
#168 opened by gwillegers - 7
- 10
Can't read URL with Vivaldi browser
#155 opened by rpiotr - 10
Fill Fields only fills the first password field
#141 opened by breyed - 2
Password is trivially leaked by screen capture
#160 opened by GlenHertz - 1
Make "Use with sites" a multi-line text area
#158 opened by sunaku - 1
Buttons cannot be used on second screen on Windows 10
#161 opened by jenf - 3
Trigger keypress when filling fields
#153 opened by polm - 16
#139 opened by sergeevabc - 2
Saving first profile loses "Use with sites" value
#159 opened by sunaku - 4
User interface
#154 opened by Auronius - 2
doesn't work with angular ng-model=password?
#156 opened by mmlb - 12
Fill Fields??
#152 opened by JeremyWW - 8
- 4
- 17
Sync password is only security through obscurity
#143 opened by multiwebinc - 7
Leet level changes.
#144 opened by GAZ082 - 7
Port to firefox
#142 opened by dolohow - 30
Filling in too many fields
#137 opened by JeremyWW - 6
Sticky Selected Profile
#138 opened by egyptianbman - 20
Worried about removal of legacy algorithms
#136 opened by breyed - 17
Used text not updating on second window.
#135 opened by mmlb - 25
Not exporting 'Use with Sites'
#134 opened by JeremyWW