
GitHub action for tagging commits whose title matches a version regex

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tag-version-commit GitHub Action

Note: This is a fork from christophebedard/tag-version-commit with some non-mainstream customisation options. If this seems useful, please let me know, and I'll try and get this upstreamed.

GitHub action for tagging commits whose title matches a version regex.

Some projects maintain a version number somewhere in a file, e.g. __version__ = '1.2.3' for a Python project. When maintainers want to bump the version, they update that number, commit the change, and tag that commit. This action automates the tag creation.

When the commit that triggers a workflow has a title that matches a version regex (e.g. 1.2.3), this action creates a lightweight tag (e.g. 1.2.3) pointing to that commit. It is also possible to create an annotated tag using the commit body as the message. See inputs for more details.

Currently, it does not support checking any commit other than the last commit that was pushed. It also does not make sure that the tag does not exist before creating it, in which case the API request will simply fail and so will the action.


See action.yml.


- uses: passy/tag-version-commit@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Only consider commits pushed to master or releases/*.

name: 'tag'
      - master
      - 'releases/*'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: passy/tag-version-commit@v1
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Compare the new version against the one declared in a package.json file.

name: 'tag'
      - master
      - 'releases/*'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: passy/tag-version-commit@v1
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        version_assertion_command: 'grep -q "\"version\": \"$version\"" package.json'


Name Description Required Default
token1 GitHub token, required for permission to create a tag yes
ref Custom commit SHA to run on no defaults to top commit ran against
version_regex Regex to use for detecting version in commit messages. Must have exactly one capture group to extract the version number. no '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)'
version_assertion_command2 a command to run to validate the version, e.g. compare against a version file no ''
version_tag_prefix a prefix to prepend to the detected version number to create the tag (e.g. "v") no ''
annotated whether to create an annotated tag, using the commit body as the message no false
dry_run do everything except actually create the tag no false

    1     if you want the tag creation/push to trigger a workflow, create a personal access token (with "repo" scope), add it as a secret, and use it here instead of the provided GITHUB_TOKEN, which will not trigger any workflow

    2     use $version in the command and it will be replaced by the new version, without the prefix


Name Description Default1
tag the tag that has been created ''
message the message of the annotated tag (if annotated) that has been created ''
commit the commit that was tagged ''

    1     if no tag has been created (unless dry_run is enabled)