
Bugzilla todo list of reviews, flag requests, and bugs to fix

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bugzilla Todos

Bugzilla Todos is a quick way to see your outstanding Bugzilla requests.

You can view yours at:


You can also add a email=name@mail.com to the url to get the dashboard for a particular user.


For the given username, Bugzilla Todos will display:

  • The flag requests where the user is the flag requestee
  • The patches by the user that have been reviewed, but not yet checked in (bug isn't marked fixed)
  • The patches by the user that are still awaiting review
  • The bugs assigned to the user


Bugzilla Todos uses bz.js to make calls to the Bugzilla REST API. The Bugzilla queries used in the app are located in app/user.js.

The UI uses the React library. With Node.js installed, install react-tools using:

npm install react-tools -g

Then build the react JSX files with:

jsx app/ build/ --source-map-inline --watch &

Note: All files in app/ are currently built, but only those using JSX syntax need to be checked into the repository - the others are used untouched from the app directory.