
Development Environment for THORSwap Router V2 Ledger Dpp Plugin

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Development Environment for THORSwap Ledger Plugin


Fetch submodule updates:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Select the thorswap-plugin master branch:

cd thorswap-plugin
git checkout master

Running tests in the Zondax emulator

From the project root directory, cd into the plugin-tools subdirectory and run:


This will build and enter a Docker container containing all the dependencies required to build binaries for testing. After running ./start.sh, you should see the prompt:


Running ls should show the contents of the thorswap-plugin-dev directory:

README.md        app-ethereum     docker           plugin-tools     thorswap-plugin

Change to the thorswap-plugin/tests subdirectory:

cd thorswap-plugin/tests

Build the binaries for testing using the included script:


If the plugin binaries build correctly, you should see:

[LINK] bin/app.elf
* Done

The test suite is run from this directory, but must be run outside the Docker container. Exit the Docker container:


Then, change to the thorswap-plugin/tests/ directory:

cd ../thorswap-plugin/tests

To run tests, first install any required dependencies:

yarn install

Then, run the test suite:

yarn test

The test suite will generate screenshots showing whatever information would have been displayed on the physical device. These screenshots can be found in the snapshots-tmp/ethereum_nanos_deposit_with_expiry subdirectory.

Building the plugin and installing on a physical device

Build the plugin binary using ledger-app-builder

First, build the ledger-app-builder Docker container. From the project root directory, run:

docker build -t ledger-app-builder:latest .

Activate the previously-built ledger-app-builder Docker container:

docker run --rm -ti -v "$(realpath .):/app" ledger-app-builder:latest

Running ls should show the contents of the thorswap-plugin-dev directory:

README.md        app-ethereum     docker           plugin-tools     thorswap-plugin

Change to the thorswap-plugin subdirectory:

cd thorswap-plugin

Build the plugin:

make clean && make

If the plugin binary has built correctly, you should see:

[LINK] bin/app.elf

### Load the plugin onto the device using ledgerblue:

Exit the ledger-app-builder Docker container with:


Change to the project root directory:

cd ..

Make sure that your Ledger device is plugged in and unlocked.

Run the plugin load script:


On your Ledger device, select Allow unsafe manager.

On your Ledger device, the screen should display Install app THORSwap. Select Perform installation.

Enter your PIN to unlock the device.

The application should appear on the device screen.

Remove the plugin from the device using ledgerblue:

Change to the project root directory:

cd ..

Make sure that your Ledger device is plugged in and unlocked.

Run the plugin load script:


On your Ledger device, select Allow unsafe manager. The Ledger device screen should now display Uninstall THORSwap. Select Confirm action.