
Sweet Buttery Crumpets!

Primary LanguageJava

Legendary Patterns

Authors: Sam Pastoriza & Jason Lane

Overall Design

Using the Java ASM library, we are able to extract large quantities of information
about given classes and their internal fields and methods. This information is
extracted in the "legendary" package that was provided at the beginning of the project.
To work all of this data and analyze it, we built a set of classes and interfaces
to record whether ASM returned a method, field, or class and store that information
in an internal class representation we designed. We have built the project to use the strategy pattern,
given the layout of the overall design, though it currently does not make heavy use of this pattern.
We have a package of classes that deals with storing information, as described above, and a package of
interfaces that help lay out those classes.

Project Process

We are able to generate a very basic UML diagram of a set of classes in a project.
We use GraphViz to generate the pictorial version of the UML diagram after parsing the
classes and writing that to a .dot file. Once converted to a .dot file, a simple command can be run
from the command line (or terminal if on a Mac), to produce a .png output. We are also able to produce sequence diagrams through the command line given a method call depth, a method and the owner of the method. The default depth is 5, but any depth can be specified. We are also able to detect four types of software design patterns in the code, mainly the
Singleton pattern, the Decorator Pattern, the Adapter Pattern and the Composite Pattern. Any class that is a
Singleton class will have an association arrow pointing to itself, be outlined in blue, and
will have a <> tag under the name of the class. The Decorator pattern will consist of
four parts, the Component, the Abstract Decorator or Decorator Interface, the Concrete Decorators,
and the Concrete Component. Each of these will have their own unique tags and will have a fill
color of green. The Adapter Patter will consist of three parts, the Target, which can be
an interface, abstract class or regular class, the Adaptee, and the Adapter. Each of these classes
will be filled with a red color and have unique identifying tags. The Composite pattern will consist of
at least a composite class containing leaves, and a component, which will also contain at least
one leaf. Each of these classes are colored yellow and will have corresponding tags that identify
which part of the pattern they are.

The current progress we made for milestone 7 allows the user to analyze the code with
a gui as a frontend. This make it much easier for the user to study the code and
figure out which patterns they should use to make their code more extensible. The
pattern detection has not changed since Milestone 6.

How to use the code

For the current iteration of the project: Write a config.properties file similar to the example in the project
that will specify certain properties such as output file path, input file path,
dot file path, and phases of execution. Run the Driver class, choose the
.properties file and click analyze. Once on the next screen, click through the
checkboxes to find the patterns and classes desired. Feel free to load a new config,
export the current graph, or view the about or help tabs through the File Menu.

Directions for previous versions (Before Milestone 7/GUI)

To run on previous version without the gui, make sure that you checkout a branch
at milestone 6 and earlier. This allows you to run on DesignParser.
Open DesignParser.java in an editor, probably Eclipse
Add the project you want to analyze to your build path
Change the value of the variable 'packageName' to the outer most package name
Change the 'directories' variable to the absolute path to your outermost package that you want to analyze

For a UML Diagram

Run DesignParser, where a text.dot file is created in the input_output folder
Run graphviz (such as via dot.exe or gvedit.exe) on the .dot file
The above step can also be done from the command line, by running the command: 'dot -Tpng text.dot -o output.png', where dot.exe is in the same folder as the text.dot file.

For a Sequence Diagram plus UML Diagram

Download the sequence editor jar file from the SDEdit website From the command line, type the following command:
java -jar sdedit-3.0.jar -o /input_output/SDEoutput.png -t png /input_output/text.sd
In the input_output file, the png image should be generated.

Evolution of the Design

Milestone 1

We originally designed the tool around easily added support for new
features such as more complicated class analysis and support for other arrows
This translated pretty well into Milestone 2, where we needed to add support
for uses and association arrows.
UML Milestone 1

Completed by Jason Lane

Class/Method/Field Representation framework
Class/Method/Field Representation details
Parser detailing
Visitor framework
Visitor detailing

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Class/Method/Field Representation detailing
Parser framework
Parser detailing
Visitor detailing

Milestone 2

When we add support for the uses and association arrows, we did not need to change
the overall design significantly. We added a class that when visiting methods, would
help discern the objects declared in each method. Much of the grunt work came from the parsing
of the class names and making it easier to run for another user.
UML Milestone 2

Completed by Jason Lane

Unit tests
Parsing directories work
Parameterized fields/types
Association and uses arrows detailing

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Test Pictures
Association & uses arrows framework
Association & uses arrows detailing
Intra-method object declaration framework and detailing

Milestone 3

We used the visitor pattern to refactor the Milestone 2 code, and then proceeded to
use that visitor to implement the Sequence diagram code. The refactoring took most of the
time, however the sequence diagram code was difficult to debug.
UML Milestone 3

Completed by Jason Lane

Util refactoring
Major Milestone 2 refactoring using visitor pattern
SDEdit visitor pattern framework and detailing
Auto generated testing for GraphViz and SDEdit

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Major Milestone 2 refactoring using visitor pattern
GraphViz and SDEdit framework, detailing and refactoring
Arrow Testing using reflection
Manual testing for SDEdit diagrams

Milestone 4

We began to implement pattern detection by adding an interface that would allow for easy addition
of new detectors. We also added a Singleton Detector that implements that interface and detects
whether the current model has any type of singleton class. UML Milestone 4

Completed by Jason Lane

Pattern Detection framework and details
Refactoring in GraphViz output stream
Singleton pattern testing
Singleton detection implementation

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Added tests, both manually and automated that detected singleton classes
UML Generation
General refactoring
Design of milestone additions

Milestone 5

We continued to implement pattern detection by adding support for the Adapter pattern and Decorator
pattern. We had to change much of the code structure to accomplish the additions and to make it
easier to add more patterns. We first added support for more visitors by converting our existing code
into lambda expressions. This will allow for more easier additions to the visiting code if required.
The next major step was that we converted the current model into a graph, where we can visit nodes,
which are classes, and if a node/class has a relation to another class, we can add a back arrow for that relation. This allows for much easier traversal, especially when detecting patterns. The last major piece in this milestone that we worked on was the pattern detection. We now allow for multiple patterns to be detected by adding IPatternDetectors to a complicated data structure that we parse to figure out which
patterns we want to detect. This method follows to Open-Closed Principle, where we can add patterns without changing the framework we developed.
UML Milestone 5

Completed by Jason Lane

Adapter Pattern and Decorator Pattern framework
Adapter Pattern and Decorator Pattern details
Model to Graph Refactoring
Refactor of General Util

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Lambda Refactor for Visiting SDEdit class and GraphViz class
Unit Tests for Adapter and Decorator pattern framework and details
Adapter and Decorator pattern specifics/details
Recursive search for classes extends/implements/associated by other classes ###Milestone 6 We add pattern detection support for the Composite Pattern. We did not change much of the overall
design, however, we changed the way we set up the colors and tags for patterns. We abstracted the color
since each pattern has the same color for the entire pattern, but different tags. This eliminated some
color duplication. UML Milestone 6

Completed by Jason Lane

Composite Pattern framework
Composite Pattern details
Pattern color/tag framework refactor

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Composite Pattern details
Unit/Integration/Regression Tests for Composite Pattern
Massive documentation of entire project
###Milestone 7 We added an entire gui to our project that allows users to view specific patterns and the
corresponding classes in a concise and compact fashion. We used several pattern to implement
this feature, including the observer and proxy patterns to update the display every time a
checkbox is checked. When a checkbox is checked, a new class will show up with the correct
pattern tags. Most of the core code was not changed while creating the gui, which implies that
any additions for pattern matching wold not change the core framework or the gui. This
implementation closely followed the open closed principle, where the core code is open
for extension, but closed for modification. UML Milestone 7

Completed by Jason Lane

Progress Bars
Slight modifications made in core framework
Pattern detection fixes
Overall GUI framework

Completed by Sam Pastoriza

Checkbox trees
Overall GUI framework and details
Main and Display screen creation
Manual testing


  • framework = interfaces and basic class structures
  • detailing = implementation of those interfaces and functional code