Support Python >= 3.6
Framework for automating collection of domain information and status. Outputs results to ElasticSearch.
This project is built on another SSL Labs Scanner project created by kyhau
Modules and clients implemented:
- Endpoint lookup
- Checks if domain resolves to IP (nslookup)
- Checks if common ports are open (default: 80, 443, 20)
- Checks redirects of http requests on default http/https ports.
- SSL configuration (based on the free Qualys SSL Labs API)
- Stores raw results from SSL Labs to ElasticSearch (in JSON structure)
- Stores a selection of highlights from the SSL Labs results in separate ElasticSearch index
- Stores information regarding certificates used for SSL in separate ElasticSearch index
Input: domainchecker/domains.txt. One domain per line.
Output: ElasticSearch node and indexes are configurable in the settings of main class.
virtualenv domaincheckerenv
source domaincheckerenv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
domainchecker domains.txt