
Powerfull Wordpress media library plugin for creating beautiful galleries and managing files

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Gmedia Photo Gallery ===
Contributors: pasyuk
Donate link: https://codeasily.com/donate/
Tags: best gallery plugin, gallery, image gallery, photo gallery, wordpress gallery plugin
Requires at least: 5.3.0
Tested up to: 6.5
Requires PHP: 5.4
Stable tag: /trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Gmedia Gallery - photo gallery with comments, show EXIF & Metadata, gallery with map geolocation (GPS), private galleries, music player, video support.

== Description ==

#### Gmedia Photo Gallery

Manage files, show image galleries and photo slideshows, play music on your site with Gmedia Gallery plugin. Gmedia Gallery plugin provides a comprehensive interface for handling galleries, images, video & audio files.

With Gmedia Gallery plugin you can upload an unlimited number of photo and audio files, create dozens of galleries and playlists, group pictures and other files in albums, add tags for each file.
Handle any file format and link any files with images in few clicks. You can import images with captions from Worpress Media Library, Flagallery plugin and from NextGen Gallery plugin right to Gmedia Library.

#### Demos:

*   [Amron](https://codeasily.com/amron/) - bundled FREE lightweight and fast gllery which will fit any website.
*   [UltraBox](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/ultrabox/) - Grid/Justify/Massonry gallery with Related Images support in lightbox + EXIF/GPS info, global search, tag filter.
*   [GmediaSlider](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/gmediaslider/) - Responsive Image Slider with slideshow.
*   [MultiSlider (3 in 1)](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/multislider/) - Image Slider with a lot of options and 3 different layouts.
*   [PhotoBlog Style Gallery](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/photoblog/) - Pinterest style gallery with global search and photo proofing.
*   [AlbumsList Masonry](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/albumslist-masonry/) - Splash Slider with custom lightbox and masonry collection view.
*   [AlbumsList](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/albumslist/) - Splash Slider with custom lightbox.
*   [WoowSlider](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/woowslider/) - unique responsive Slider.
*   [AlbumsGrid](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/albumsgrid/) - Splash Gallery for your Albums (terms).
*   [PhotoCluster](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/photocluster/) - Accordeon Splash Slider for your Albums.
*   [Cubik 3D](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/cubik-3d-photo-gallery-for-wordpress/) - 3D Cube Gallery with social sharing.
*   [Phantom Pro](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/phantom-pro/) - Wall/Grid Gallery.
*   [WaveSurfer](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/wavesurfer/) - responsive SoundCloud like music player with terms support (tags, albums, categories) and ability to show track covers.
*   [PhotoTravlr](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/gmedia-phototravlr/) - responsive gallery with terms support (tags, albums, categories) and extended details for each image.
*   [PhotoMania (GmediaCloud demo)](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/photomania/) - free responsive gallery.
*   [Mosaic](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/mosaic/) - gallery with masonry layout.
*   [RealSlider](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/realslider/) - image/video gallery slider, responsive and touch friendly gallery with 50+ options for customization.
*   [PhotoBox](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/photobox/) - silky-smooth animations and transitions.
*   [Music Player](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/music-player/) - audio player with playlist.
*   [More Galleries...](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/)

= Links =

**[Home Page](https://codeasily.com/)**, **[Skins Portfolio](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/)**,  **[Forum](https://codeasily.com/community/forum/gmedia-gallery-wordpress-plugin/)**

= How to create FREE responsive photo gallery =

**[Create responsive photo gallery in few clicks. Various customization options and awesome features.](https://codeasily.com/how-to-create-an-image-gallery-in-wordpress/)**


Friendly for iPad and iPhone. Doesn’t slow down your website. **Unlimited galleries** on your website with **unlimited customizations** for each gallery.

#### Gallery Features

*   New in 1.9.*: **New free gallery module: Cubik Lite - 3D Cube Gallery (HTML5, CSS3, JS, responsive)**
*   New in 1.9.*: **Option to show own Gmedia Albums on Author Pofile page**
*   New in 1.9.*: **[Option to automatically create gallery in Post with related images (images with the same tags as in Post)](https://codeasily.com/portfolio/gmedia-gallery-modules/)**
*   New in 1.9.*: **Show Related Media for WP tags and categories archive pages**
*   **Widget for Album and for Gallery**
*   **Comments for Gmedia Items**
*   **Integration with WordPress Search. Gmedia items looks like a regular post with comments. Also you can search for albums and galleries**
*   **Music player & WaveForm for music. Create and save music waveforms & display them nicely with WaveSurfer music module**
*   **Duplicate item in Gmedia Library**
*   **Full Page Gallery Template - "GmediaCloud" pages with permalink support**
*   **Share Images, Albums, Tags, Galleries via admin panel**
*   **Create custom gallery query filters with selected parameters**
*   **Cover for Album**
*   **Mobile friendly, responsive gallery**
*   **Add tags, assign categories and group images in albums**
*   **Drag'n'drop sorting for files in Album**
*   **Easy editing media files data in Edit Mode**
*   **Image Editor with Filters**
*   **Geolocation for photos (EXIF GPS coordinates show on map with Google Maps)**
*   **Create many galleries with different options
*   **Easily adding gallery shortcode to post in one click**
*   **Easily adding images from Gmedia Library to post**
*   **Set Featured Post Image (Post Thumbnail) from Gmedia Library**
*   **Import Wordpress Media Library files**
*   **Uses WordPress' native Image Resizer**
*   **Import files from server folder or from others gallery plugins**
*   **Gmedia Cloud Pages - Full Window Gallery Templates (like GRAND Page in Flagallery) - you can copy gallery permalink or any items's permalink and insert it in the website menu**
*   **Custom Templates for GmediaCloud pages (can be selected on Gmedia Settings page)**
*   **Role/Capability Manager intergrated**
*   **Statuses: public, private (only for logged in users), etc. for files, albums, galleries**
*   **Batch operations with selected Gmedia items**

Create Slideshow Galleries with using tags and automatically add images to several galleries by assigning these tags to uploaded photos.

Easily add photos from Gmedia Library to the Post by using Add Media -> Gmedia Gallery tab MetaBox. One click for inserting image or gallery right in your page.

Set Post Featured Image (Post Thumbnail) from Gmedia Library.

With our versatile plugin you can magically change the look and feel of your photo gallery, a huge selection of modules will help you embed the gallery in your posts and web pages making them feel complete. You will appreciate user friendly interface of admin panel, making the creation of unique and contemporary style gallery an easy and fun process, and attracting increasing attention from viewers.

Gmedia Gallery is the result of hundreds of hours of working to bring you the ultimate photo managing tool. With a lot of features, flexible options and a wide range of customizations, editing and publishing galleries, Gmedia Gallery is a smart addition to any blogger's arsenal. Whether you're photographer or a blogger, you'll like the Gmedia Gallery plugin.


= PS =

Proud to be ukrainian. Live in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. #NoWar #fckptn

== Installation ==

1. To install Gmedia plugin upload `grand-media` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or install Gmedia Gallery via WP Dashboard
2. Activate the gallery plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to Gmedia Gallery Add / Import Files and upload images (assign tags or album to uploaded images right in place)
4. Go to Create / Manage Galleries... -> click Create Gallery button -> choose module for the gallery -> click Build Query and choose albums or tags to grab images from -> Save
5. On Edit Post page click Gmedia Gallery button -> in popup click on gallery to insert shortcode in text editor.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where I can ask support question about gallery? =

Use [Gmedia Support Forum](https://codeasily.com/community/forum/gmedia-gallery-wordpress-plugin/) If you have any troubles with gmedia gallery plugin. I'll try to answer ASAP

== Screenshots ==

1. Module - Amron Module
2. Module - Amron Module Lightbox
3. Module - WaveSurfer Music Gallery
4. Admin Area - Gmedia Library Filters
5. Admin Area - Gmedia Library Edit Mode

= Minimum requirements for Gmedia Gallery =

    WordPress 4.2+
    PHP 5.6+

== Changelog ==

= Modules Updated =
* Go to Gmedia Modules page and update installed premium modules to latest versions

= v1.23.0 =
* Compatibility with latest WordPress versions
* Fix some gallery modules not working
* Fix PHP warnings
* Special Thanks to supporters

= v1.22.0 =
* Compatibility with latest WordPress versions
* Fix upload and import files
* Fix editing files data
* Fix image editor
* Fix some minor issues
* Fix some security issues
* Fix some PHP notices and warnings

= v1.21.9 =
* Fix gallery query saving
* Improve admin styling

= v1.21.8 =
* Fix saving title with ampersand
* Fix display some modues in preview
* Improve admin styling

= v1.21.7 =
* Fix media and shortcode insert for Classic Editor

= v1.21.6 =
* Fix editing gmedia data
* Fix saving terms data
* Fix count items in terms

= v1.21.3 =
* Calling scripts localy from the plugin
* Including libraries already in core
* Removed code calling core loading files directly
* Sanitize input data
* Escape variables when echo
* Updated out of date libraries
* Removed HEREDOC or NOWDOC syntax
* Fix calling file locations poorly
* Fix Image Editor

= v1.20.0 =
* Fixed XSS security issue
* Updated PEL library
* Fixed upload issue for PHP 8

= v1.19.7 =
* Updated uploader assets

= v1.19.6 =
* Fixed CSS conflict with Elementor
* Fixed JS in an admin panel

= v1.19.5 =
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.6

= v1.19.4 =
* Fixed bug in gallery modules for shortcode with query parameter

= v1.19.3 =
* Added Custom fields to ajax response

= v1.19.2 =
* Fixed Screen Settings for WP 5.5

= v1.19.1 =
* Fixed uploading small images

= v1.19.0 =
* Fixed animated GIF upload

= v1.18.9 =
* Fixed assign albums
* Fixed PHP Notice on albums page
* Fixed screen options (ordering of terms)

= v1.18.8 =
* Changed share link for albums

= v1.18.7 =
* WoowGallery plugin promote

= v1.18.6 =
* Added: import image tags when importing from NextGen galleries

= v1.18.5 =
* Security fix (Thanks to Fortinet Fortiguard Labs)

= v1.18.4 =
* Fix PHP Notice in Query Builder

= v1.18.3 =
* Fix for update terms
* Fix WP Media import author notice

= v1.18.2 =
* Security fix (Thanks to Fortinet Fortiguard Labs)

= v1.18.0 =
* Fixed compatibility with Elementor Swiper.js library.
* Added Exif saving for thumbnails
* Updated Gutenberg blocks for Gmedia
* Updated Photomania, Phototravlr, Desire, AlbumStripes modules
* Be sure you have latest versions of modules listed above.

= v1.17.6 =
* Updated Amron gallery module (Tags Filter)

= v1.17.5 =
* Fixed conflict with Envira Gallery
* Updated Amron gallery module

= v1.17.4 =
* Fixed cache for logged in users
* Disabled cache for gallery preview in admin
* Updated Amron gallery module

= v1.17.2 =
* Fixed GmediaCloud social buttons

= v1.17.1 =
* Updated Amron gallery module
* Fixed download original image in Amron module

= v1.16.9 =
* Fixed queries with meta_query

= v1.16.8 =
* Optimize also images with small resolution for less file size.

= v1.16.7 =
* Updated Amron module.
* Added Albums Order option in Build Query popup.

= v1.16.6 =
* Updated Amron module.
* Small fixes.

= v1.16.5 =
* Fixed PHP warning on some themes.
* Updated bundled modules.

= v1.16.4 =
* Added option to disable menu label with quantity of new modules.
* Fixed import from WP Library not save image author.
* iOS app page removed. (No money to pay for Apple developers license)

= v1.16.3 =
* Added code for support future module's features

= v1.16.2 =
* Updated free Amron gallery module. Added filter images by tags

= v1.16.0 =
* Fixed conflict with Swiper JS library on some themes

= v1.15.4 =
* Fixed datetime picker on album edit page

= v1.15.3 =
* Removed Google Plus share from bundled modules

= v1.15.2 =
* Few minor fixes

= v1.15.1 =
* Make Terms Relation "OR" by default

= v1.15.0 =
* Added new default free module - Amron
* Small fixes and improvements

= v1.14.7 =
* Fixed conflict with Lazy load plugins
* Added badge count for new modules
* Changed Modules page
* Updated twitter widget
* Fixed module preview PHP Notice with Enfold theme

= v1.14.5 =
* Fixed CSS for Gutenberg editor

= v1.14.4 =
* Added compatibility with Gutenberg
* Added Gutenberg blocks for Galleries, Albums, Categories and Tags
* Fixed related gmedia images by tags for WP Posts
* Fixed compatibility with some themes
* Changed: the full IP address now not saved to database in logger

= v1.14.2 =
* Added option to disable WoowBox Banner
* Added compatibility with PHP 7.2
* Added compatibility with PHP 5.3
* Fixed cache of gallery modules
* Fixed uninstall error
* Fixed clear button in Build Query

= v1.14.0 =
* Added cache for Gmedia Modules queries
* Fixed gmedia edit date picker
* Fixed Google API key trim white spaces on save
* Fixed filter in BuildQuery -> select items
* Added oEmbed for Gmedia Posts

= v1.13.4 =
* Fixed insert shortcode popup not load content in some cases

= v1.13.3 =
* Fixed recent comments widget not show comments from private gmedia for logged in users
* Fixed issue with Phantom module on Safari

= v1.13.2 =
* Fix issue with ajax modules

= v1.13.0 =
* Added Google API Key field to Settings page (required for Google Maps properly working)
* Added draft galleries/albums to shortcode generator
* Fixed admin user now can see draft galleries
* Fixed conflict with Elementor plugin
* Fixed datetime JS error
* Small fixes and improvements

= v1.12.12 =
* Fixed conflict with "Everest Tab" plugin

= v1.12.11 =
* Magnific Popup arrows fix for some themes

= v1.12.10 =
* Required changes for AlbumsGrid module

= v1.12.9 =
* New WoowBox Gallery plugin

= v1.12.8 =
* Fixed counters for gallery modules
* Fixed AlbumsList Masonry module

= v1.12.7 =
* Fixed scroll bug on Gmedia Library
* Fixed AlbumsList module
* Fixed terms for music in splash modules

= v1.12.6 =
* Fixed some splash modules doesn't show more than 40 terms

= v1.12.5 =
* Fixed conflict of color input with some other plugins
* Fixed PHP Notices for Albums modules
* Fixed 'Select in Library' on Edit Preset page
* Small fixes and improvements

= v1.12.4 =
* Fixed JS error on Module Preset Edit page

= v1.12.3 =
* PhotoMania module updated (added option to hide author name)

= v1.12.2 =
* Disable comments on Albums Posts
* Hide admin Terms pages if no capability to manage them.

= v1.12.1 =
* Added related media for Gmedia Items (support in modules will be added in the future).
* Updated mediaelements.js library to the latest version.
* Added Update button for CodeCanyon's modules.
* Fixed default order for gmedia__in query.

= v1.11.7 =
* Added new color picker with rgba support.
* Fixed JS error on edit album page.

= v1.11.6 =
* Added functionality for the future module.

= v1.11.5 =
* Removed debug info on admin page
* Added "Date" field on Edit Album page

= v1.11.4 =
* Compatible with WP v4.9
* Fixed CSS for JQ Music Player module.

= v1.11.3 =
* Small fixes and improvements

= v1.11.2 =
* Fixed iOS app service activation on some servers
* Added premium gallery module

= v1.11.1 =
* Fixed Modules update
* Fixed PHP Notice

= v1.11.0 =
* Added Support page
* Added user permission to enable GmediaService
* Added user feedback form before deactivate plugin
* Fixed links to home website
* Hide flash modules from the list of available modules
* Small fixes and improvements

= v1.10.07 =
* Added files in the import tree view
* Added logging of views and likes from iOS app
* Fixed links to home website
* Fixed PHP Notice when original image is not available on the server

= v1.10.06 =
* Fixed iOS app service activation on some servers
* Fixed non-images single posts was empty

= v1.10.05 =
* Fixed compatibility with WP-SpamShield
* Modules admin page new layout with filters by feature

= v1.10.04 =
* Added option to disable Gmedia Logger
* Added compatibility with the future gallery module

= v1.10.03 =
* Added Gmedia Logger as a premium option
* Fixed ENTER key on pagination
* Other small improvements

= v1.9.20 =
* Added few action hooks for developers

= v1.9.19 =
* Query Builder modal small fix
* Fixed PHP Notice
* Fixed sort order in AlbumsGrid module

= v1.9.18 =
* Added Settings to hide sidebar sections
* Modules functions improvements

= v1.9.17 =
* Use Album Covers as default artwork for non-image files
* Preparations for the new gallery module

= v1.9.15 =
* Build Query fixes
* Minor bug fixes

= v1.9.14 =
* Update if you have some issues with installing premium modules

= v1.9.13 =
* Fixed: "Add from Library" button on edit term page

= v1.9.12 =
* Fixed: iOS application upload to Album (Category, tag)

= v1.9.11 =
* Fixed: Save WaveForm for music files not worked

= v1.9.10 =
* Fixed: Compatibility with StarBox plugin
* Fixed: iOS app not worked on some servers configurations

= v1.9.9 =
* Fixed: FlipGrid module not worked if GmediaService disabled

= v1.9.8 =
* Fixed: Modules remote XML error
* Added: FlipGrid module

= v1.9.7 =
* Fixed: Upload of TIFF files
* Added: Cover field for non editable images

= v1.9.6 =
* Added: Visual media select in Query Builder
* Fixed: minor bug fixes

= v1.9.5 =
* Added: og: meta tags for Facebook and Google+ share
* Updated Modules

= v1.9.4 =
* Added: Reset button to Build Query
* Updated: Single Gmedia Post
* Updated: Modules: Cubik Lite, Phantom
* Other small improvements

= v1.9.3 =
* Updated: Phantom module
* Updated: Third party JS libraries
* Improved: Duplicate item now copy all meta and terms too
* Improved: Gmedia permalink changing

= v1.9.2 =
* Updated: Phantom, Phantom Pro, Cubik Lite, Cubik gallery modules now support youtube/vimeo videos and google maps embed in lightbox
* Updated: Music modules compatibility with some themes
* Compatible with Wordpress 4.7

= v1.9.1 =
* Fixed: Tag edit
* Fixed: Gmedia iOS app compatibility with WP-SpamShield plugin
* Fixed: Compatibility Gmedia Terms archive pages with some themes
* Fixed: Author profile page not shows Posts
* Fixed: Change gallery module doesn't load default/global preset

= v1.9.0 =
* Added: Batch edit Module/Preset for selected Galleries
* Fixed: Notice in compatibility.php
* Fixed: subscribers now can leave comments for private gmedia items
* Updated: Phantom gallery module
* Updated: PhotoMania gallery module

== Upgrade Notice ==

= v1.18.0 =
Update Gallery modules to the latest version: PhotoMania, PhotoTravlr, Desire !!!

= v1.8.0 =
Database changed. Backup before updating.

= Grand Media Gallery v1.5.5 =
If you want to import IPTC Keywords to Tags for already uploaded images, you need:
  1) Select images with IPTC Keywords in Gmedia Library
  2) In Action menu choose "Update Metadata in Database"
  3) In Action menu choose "Add Tags.." -> check "Import IPTC Keywords from selected images to Tags" -> click "Add Tags" button

= Grand Media Gallery v0.9.6 =
Backup before updating.
After update plugin go to Manage Modules page and update modules to latest versions.
Then check your galleries on Create / Manage Galleries page -> edit options and check on frontend.

= Grand Media Gallery v0.8.5 =
If you've bought License Key: go to Settings page -> click Activate Key -> Save settings
This need for Premium Slider Module work properly.

= Grand Media Gallery v0.8.4 =
Go to Manage Galleries... page -> Available Modules tab -> update modules to latest version
Clear your browser's cache.

= Grand Media Gallery v0.8.3 =
Go to Manage Galleries... page -> Available Modules tab -> delete modules -> install new versions of modules (all your galleries will be safe)
Clear your browser's cache.

= Grand Media Gallery v0.8.0 =
Go to Manage Galleries... page -> Available Modules tab -> update modules to latest version
Clear your browser's cache.

= Grand Media Gallery v0.7.0 =
Go to Manage Galleries... page -> Available Modules tab -> update Phantom Module to latest version