
Rendering doesn't work. Window goes block

abhishek2197 opened this issue · 4 comments

Our model is training properly and we are getting appropriate results. But the simulation window goes black. mujoco_py version 0.5, mujocopro131.Tried on both ubuntu 16.04 and arch with gnome.

Hmmm, I'm running same setup and am not having any problems. No one else has mentioned this problem either. Do the video files get saved? They should be /tmp directory.

Have you tried building just a simple, few line notebook. Just load an environment and feed 0s for the action. Just to confirm your setup?


The blank window seems fine, the videos end up in the /tmp folder. Since your training likely calls the Gym 'render' API using the mode="rgb_array" instead of mode="human".

After finishing the training, is there any way to 'enjoy' an existing checkpoint or log file using render="human"?

There is no mention about videos being created and saved in the tmp folder, can you add it to the README, or do you want me to create a PR for that?

Note added to README that videos are created and stored in /tmp folder.