
#rstats Alfred workflow

MIT LicenseMIT


Alfred workflow for R


Download the latest version of r.alfredworklow from the GitHub release page. (Auto-updating is not yet supported)

Command Description

r cran *

r gh *

  • r gh <package>: Opens the GitHub website for a given R package (if one exists)
  • r gha <package>: Opens the GitHub Actions website for a given R package (if one exists)
  • r ghi <package>: Opens the GitHub Issues pane for a given R package (if one exists)
  • r ghp <package>: Opens the GitHub Pull Request pane for a given R package (if one exists)

r switch *

  • r switch <R version>: Switch to a different R version (if installed)
  • r switch install: Opens the website for downloading RSwitch.app

r package *

  • r package update all: Update all installed R packages in the background (via remotes::update_packages(upgrade = "always"))
  • r package install: Install a given R package in the background (via install.packages())
  • r package news: Install a given R package in the background (via install.packages())

r install *

  • r install <version>: Installs or updates a specific R (minor) version (e.g. 4.0) via the official R installer (not homebrew). Currently only R >= 4.0 is supported.
  • r install dev: Installs or updates R-devel via the official R installer (not homebrew)

r rstudio *

  • r rstudio release: Install/Update RStudio release via brew cask reinstall rstudio
  • r rstudio preview: Install/Update RStudio preview via brew cask reinstall rstudio-preview
  • r rstudio daily: Install/Update RStudio daily via brew cask reinstall rstudio-daily

r radian *


  • r home: Open $R_HOME in Finder