- 2
Similar tool "rim"
#44 opened by schelhorn - 0
Use R arm builds for Linux from r-hub
#45 opened by pat-s - 1
Tests on macOS arm64
#4 opened by pat-s - 0
- 1
- 2
rcli should list installable R versions
#32 opened by schelhorn - 0
`rcli ls user_libs` should be OS aware
#30 opened by pat-s - 1
It's unclear how to get out of a broken state
#35 opened by pat-s - 1
Switching from devel to release is buggy
#34 opened by pat-s - 0
Add `rcli remove` subcommand
#20 opened by pat-s - 1
- 1
Investige printing of `cp` command when
#28 opened by pat-s - 1
Switching from 4.1.0 to 4.0.5 fails
#29 opened by pat-s - 1
Add `rcli ls` as an alias to `rcli list`
#23 opened by pat-s - 0
`rcli list` does not list R versions
#21 opened by pat-s - 0
If the installation of an R version does not succeed, `rcli` should not perceive it as functional
#22 opened by pat-s - 6
- 0
Allow to force reinstall R versions
#12 opened by pat-s - 1
rcli install without arguments
#11 opened by krlmlr - 0
Account for `"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/<R version>-arm64/Resources/site-library"`
#8 opened by pat-s - 0
- 0
Add R-devel support
#5 opened by pat-s - 0
Package in yum repos (Fedora, CentOS)
#3 opened by pat-s - 0
Package in Ubuntu repos
#1 opened by pat-s