#SnapDose ######Built for the InnovateNYP Appathon

SnapDose is a device agnostic application designed for pediatric providers. SnapDose makes weight estimation and weight based dosing a snap.

Approximately one-in-five pediatric patients are misdosed each year. The goal of SnapDose is to reduce medication errors and under/overdosing pediatric patients, particularly in outpatient areas where accurate weights may not be readily available and emergencies are uncommon.


  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  3. In a seperate terminal: gulp


  • First, upload or snap a picture of an object to be calibrated (we have preloaded the size of a driver's license, credit card, debit card, etc. but you may select any object you wish and input the dimensions - note the calibration object must be in each photo that you upload of the patient in order to scale the patient's height)
  • Upload or snap a picture of the patient laying supine - be certain that the calibration object is in the photo
  • From the patient's height, the weight is determined using an algorithm developed based on the CDC growth chart
  • After the approximate weight is calculated, choose whether to accept or take a new picture
  • Once a weight is accepted, a variety of emergency care areas are provided (alternatively, the user can choose to search from a larger list of care areas)
  • A list of medications will be provided within each care area providing the medication name, concentration, dose/kg, and dose for the particular patient
  • Selecting a medication will provide more detailed information as well as time stamping and storing the medication in a flow sheet for later documentation
Michael Carolyn Patrick Matthew
3mzel cez213 pat310 mbthiery