
Web interface for LaTeX songbook generation

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Web interface for songbook generation, as part of the patacrep project.

Build with Django 1.7, only suport python 2.7 for now, should be quickly updated to Python >= 3.3.


Short version

Install libgit2 from sources, or with your favorite package manager :

apt-get install libgit2-21 libgit2-dev # https://packages.debian.org/jessie/libgit2-21
brew install libgit2
yum install libgit2

Install the project

[virtualenv|pyvenv] virtualacrep
source virtualacrep/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/patacrep/patanet
git clone https://github.com/patacrep/patadata
cd patanet
pip install -r Requirements.txt
pip install patacrep==4.0.0.alpha
cp patanet/local_settings.sample.py patanet/local_settings.py
<edit> patanet/local_settings.py
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py importsongs

Don't forget about patacrep dependencies: pdflatex and lilypond.

Long version

Create a virtualenv to isolate the code from your system (virtualenv for Python 2.7, pyvenv for Python 3)

[virtualenv|pyvenv] virtualacrep
source virtualacrep/bin/activate

Get the source

git clone https://github.com/patacrep/patanet

Get a song database

git clone https://github.com/patacrep/patadata

Install the Python dependencies

cd patanet
pip install -r Requirements.txt
pip install patacrep==4.0.0.alpha

Go to the patanet folder and configure the local settings

cp patanet/local_settings.sample.py patanet/local_settings.py
<edit> patanet/local_settings.py

Update and fill the database

./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py importsongs

Again, don't forget about patacrep dependencies: pdflatex and lilypond.


You can start a development server with ./manage.py runserver. Then access to the website at http://localhost:8000 URI.

Start a background songbook compiler with ./manage.py process_tasks.

There is a Wiki page about how to deploye the app in production.

Join the team

If you want to help, we need various competencies:

  • Front-end dev, with HTML/CSS/JS abilities
  • Back-end dev, with Python/Django abilities