COPYRIGHT --------------- Copyright 2006-2008 Ricard Marxer <> This product includes software developed by the Solution Engineering, Inc. ( This product includes software developed by the The Apache Software Foundation ( INSTALL --------------- Unzip the in the Processing libraries directory. The result shoul look like this: /path/to/processing/libraries/geomerative/library/geomerative.jar USAGE --------------- In the Processing IDE Sketch > Import Library > geomerative DOCUMENTATION --------------- The documentation is in the documentation folder. Just open the index.html with any web browser. MINI-TUTORIAL --------------- This geometry library consists of three main classes: RShape - Contains subshapes formed of commands (move,lines,beziers,...) RPolygon - Contains contours formed of points RMesh - Contains strips formed of vertices There are several uses of the library: + Draw shapes with holes, in order to do so, we create a new shape and add commands to it. Once the shape is created we can: - draw it using draw(g) (note the use of g in order to draw the shape to the main PGraphics object) - convert it to a polygon using toPolygon() - acces its subshapes' commands or the points of these commands, accesing its attribute subshapes and the RSubshape methods + Draw polygons with holes, in order to do so, we create a new polygon and add points (addPoint(x,y)) or contours (addContour()) to it. Once the polygon is created we can: - draw it using draw(g) - convert it to a mesh using toMesh() - acces its contours' points, accesing its attribute contours and the RContour methods - do binary operations over two polygons, using the methods diff(), union(), xor() and intersection() EXAMPLE -------------- /// Example to draw a simple shape with a hole /// Converting the shape to a mesh in the setup() avoids having to tesselate it for each frame, therefore the use of RMesh import geomerative.*; RPolygon p; RShape s; RMesh m; int t = 0; void setup(){ size(100,100,P3D); framerate(34); background(255); fill(0); //noFill(); stroke(255,0,0); s = new RShape(); s.addMoveTo(-30,250); s.addLineTo(30,150); s.addArcTo(50,75,100,30); s.addBezierTo(130,90,75,100,90,150); s.addLineTo(130,250); s.addBezierTo(80,200,70,200,-30,250); s.addMoveTo(60,120); s.addBezierTo(75,110,85,130,75,140); s.addBezierTo(70,150,65,140,60,120); p = s.toPolygon(100); m = p.toMesh(); } void draw(){ scale(0.25); translate(200,50); background(255); rotateY(PI/65*t); fill(0); m.draw(g); rotateY(PI/64*t); noFill(); p.draw(g); t++; } /// End of example /// Example calculating the difference of two polygons /// Note the use of predefined polygons (createStar(), createCircle(), createRing(),...) import geomerative.*; RMesh m; RPolygon p = RPolygon.createStar(120,70,6); RPolygon p2 = RPolygon.createStar(60,50,30); float t=0; void setup(){ size(400,400,P3D); framerate(24); //smooth(); noStroke(); fill(0); p=p.diff(p2); m = p.toMesh(); } void draw(){ background(255); translate(width/2,height/2); rotateX(t/39); m.draw(g); rotateY(-t/5); scale(0.3); m.draw(g); t++; } /// End of example KNOWN ISSUES ------------- - Under certain renderers there's a big loss of precision, resulting in really ugly renderings of fonts and polygons in general. - When we decrease the font size we get bad results, bad shapes. This must have to do with the font fixed point arithmetics, haven't studied any of that yet.
Geomerative is a library for Processing. It extends 2D geometry operations to facilitate generative geometry. Includes a TrueType font and an SVG interpreters. This library exposes the shapes (such as vector drawings or typographies) in a more approchable way. Geomerative makes it easy to access the contours, the control points and the curve points, making it easy to develop generative typography and geometry pieces in Processing.