
recognize contents of images for mycroft

Primary LanguagePython

image recognition skill

Recognize contents of images using caffe bvlc_googlenet, 1000 categories available

Deep draw

Visualize Layers using deep draw, upload content to imgur

Representation of a Triceratops

Image generated


    install caffe http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html
    download bvlc_googlenet with caffe script
    add caffe_path to config or .py
    add imgur api to config or .py

image recognition in other skills

    from os.path import dirname
    import sys

    from image_recog_skill import ImageRecognitionService

    def handle_img_recog_intent(self, message):
        classifier = ImageRecognitionService(self.emitter)
        path_to_file = "path/to/ur/image_file"
        results = classifier.local_image_classification(path_to_file)
        # make names pretty
        i = 0
        for result in list(results):
            # cleave first word nxxxxx
            result = result.split(" ")[1:]
            r = ""
            for word in result:
                r += word + " "
            # split in "," since its same thing usually
            result = r[:-1].split(",")[0]
            results[i] = result
            i += 1
        self.speak("in test image i see " + results[0] + ", or maybe it is " + results[1])

deep draw

    from os.path import dirname
    import sys

    from image_recog_skill import ImageRecognitionService

    def handle_img_recog_intent(self, message):
        imagenet_class = random.randint(0, len(self.label_mapping))
        classifier = ImageRecognitionService(self.emitter)
        classifier.local_deepdraw(imagenet_class, message.data.get("target"))

image recog logs

    2017-06-17 15:31:16,508 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "recognizer_loop:utterance", "data": {"source": "cli:48736", "user": "48736", "utterances": ["cc"], "mute": true}, "context": null}
    2017-06-17 15:31:16,522 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "ImageRecognitionSkill:ImageClassfyStatusIntent", "data": {"confidence": 1.0, "target": "cli:48736", "mute": true, "intent_type": "ImageRecognitionSkill:ImageClassfyStatusIntent", "user": "48736", "utterance": "cc", "imgstatus": "cc"}, "context": {"target": "cli:48736"}}
    2017-06-17 15:31:16,530 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"target": "cli:48736", "mute": true, "expect_response": false, "more": false, "utterance": "Image Recognition is enabled", "metadata": {"source_skill": "ImageRecognitionSkill"}}, "context": null}
    2017-06-17 15:31:16,563 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "image_classification_request", "data": {"source": "cli:48736", "file": "/home/test/mycroft-server/server_skills/image_recog_service/obama.jpg"}, "context": null}
    2017-06-17 15:31:16,564 - ImageRecognitionSkill - INFO - loading image: /home/test/mycroft-server/server_skills/image_recog_service/obama.jpg
    2017-06-17 15:31:16,569 - ImageRecognitionSkill - INFO - predicting
    2017-06-17 15:31:30,240 - ImageRecognitionSkill - INFO - ['n04591157 Windsor tie', 'n04350905 suit, suit of clothes', 'n02865351 bolo tie, bolo, bola tie, bola', 'n02916936 bulletproof vest', 'n03838899 oboe, hautboy, hautbois']
    2017-06-17 15:31:30,246 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "speak", "data": {"target": "cli:48736", "mute": true, "expect_response": false, "more": false, "utterance": "in test image i see n04591157 Windsor tie, or maybe it is n04350905 suit, suit of clothes", "metadata": {"source_skill": "ImageRecognitionSkill"}}, "context": null}
    2017-06-17 15:31:30,252 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "message_request", "data": {"user_id": "cli:48736", "data": {"classfication": ["n04591157 Windsor tie", "n04350905 suit, suit of clothes", "n02865351 bolo tie, bolo, bola tie, bola", "n02916936 bulletproof vest", "n03838899 oboe, hautboy, hautbois"]}, "type": "image_classification_result"}, "context": null}
    2017-06-17 15:31:30,255 - Skills - DEBUG - {"type": "image_classification_result", "data": {"classfication": ["n04591157 Windsor tie", "n04350905 suit, suit of clothes", "n02865351 bolo tie, bolo, bola tie, bola", "n02916936 bulletproof vest", "n03838899 oboe, hautboy, hautbois"]}, "context": null}


    image recognition status <- recognize test image

    deep draw <- visualize a random layer (may takeup to 1 hour)

    deep draw with "class" <- fuzzy match your name to best availabel class and visualize it


requirements.sh deep draw logs request from server usage / api doc