
Partial emulator for Sperry Univac 1100/80 mainframe


Partial emulator for Sperry Univac 1100/80 mainframe

This work is just beginning - there's nothing to see here (yet!)

(EDIT: Yes, I know this repo has been sitting here, unpopulated, for several years. I wish this were not the case... My primary issue with making any progress on this is, I have nothing to run on it - so even if I were to implement something, I have no way to even guess if it's working or not. I do have a hobbyist distribution [directly from Unisys and everything] of OS2200, but I do not know if it will run on the 1100/80 configuration I want to target with this project. If I can someday find an old OS1100 IPL tape, I'm much more likely to make progress on this....)