
R client for Redis

Primary LanguageR

rredis: An R client for Redis


> library(rredis)
> redisConnect()         
> redisSet('foo', runif(10))
> bar <- redisGet('foo') 
> bar
 [1] 0.93499818 0.47159536 0.30597259 0.58325228 0.41589498 0.63914212
 [7] 0.34658694 0.08633471 0.18111369 0.15763507

> redisMSet(list(x=pi,y='Cazart',z=runif(2)))
> redisMGet(list('z','y'))
[1] 0.1155711 0.7166137

[1] "Cazart"

> redisClose()


Consider using the redisSetPipeline function to enable pipelining, and also read help about options available to the redisConnect function. Also see the available options in the redisConnect function.


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