
CSS files to use with MarkView for formatting markdown files like specific sites

Primary LanguageCSS


CSS files to use with MarkView for formatting markdown files like specific sites.

MarkView is a Chrome extension to render markdown files in a browser according to pre-defined styles.

The extension already comes with some pre-defined styles but things get way more interesting when you start supplying your own css styles. This lets you emulate the styling for getting a live preview of the markdown rendering.

I have included some common (to me) styles here.


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Open MarkView Options.

  3. Under "Custom Styling Instructions", Add Theme CSS into Selection, select "Choose File" and load one of the .css files from this repo.

  4. Then press the "Add Theme" button.

    Adding a theme CSS

  5. Repeat for each css style you want to use.

Select Style

To select a theme to use, from MarkView Options → Document Theme:

Choosing a theme

Allow File Access

It's important to turn On Allow access to file URLs for the extension. Under Chrome "Manage Extensions", find the MarkView entry and allow this access:

Allow file access

Loading a Markdown file

Simply drag and drop a markdown file into Chrome and MarkView will automatically render the markdown for you. The extension will also automatically update the page every time the markdown file is saved.