
Java Monorepo using NX Springboot plugin

Primary LanguageJava


Nx monorepo for Java (Springboot)

Important commands

  • nx run-many -t test: To test all the projects (whether they are apps or libs, it doesn't matter).
  • nx run-many -t build: To build all the projects (whether they are apps or libs, it doesn't matter).
  • nx run-many -t run: To run all the projects (whether they are apps or libs, it doesn't matter).
  • nx affected --target:test --base=HEAD~1: To test all the projects that have changed in last commit.
  • nx affected --target:build --base=HEAD~1: To build all the projects that have changed in last commit.
  • nx affected --target:run --base=HEAD~1: To run all the projects that have changed in last commit.
  • nx graph --affected --base=HEAD~1: Show dependency graph of all projects and highlight the projects that have changed in last commit.

TODO: More documentation will be added shortly...