See WhatsApp messages & media deleted by the sender.
Messages & media are saved to a backup location so that you can access them even if the sender deletes them.
- Notification Listener logs new messages to a text file. Open it with a text editor like Markor.
- Media Observer watches for new images.
- Allow storage access.
- Allow notification access (tap on the switch next to Notification Listener and follow the instructions).
- Media Observer is turned on by default.
- Messages -> Internal Storage/WhatsDeleted/msgLog.txt
- Images -> Internal Storage/WhatsDeleted/WhatsDeleted Images/
- Notification Access (to access new messages from notifications)
- Storage
- Messages received directly in the chat window (and not in the notifications) won't be saved.
- Images will be saved to the backup directory only if they were downloaded.
- Clear the message log & image directory periodically (after saving the important ones) to save storage space.