
Generate SBOMs with gh CLI

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a gh CLI extension that outputs JSON SBOMs (in SPDX or CycloneDX format) for your GitHub repository using information from Dependency graph.

It can optionally include license information with -l. License information comes from ClearlyDefined's API.

Here's an example of generating a SPDX SBOM:

$ gh sbom -l | jq
  "spdxVersion": "SPDX-2.3",
  "dataLicense": "CC0-1.0",
  "name": "github.com/advanced-security/gh-sbom",
  "documentNamespace": "https://spdx.org/spdxdocs/github.com/advanced-security/gh-sbom-81f6ee97-cae4-42a4-9be0-840bd3dde2a7",
  "creationInfo": {
    "creators": [
      "Organization: GitHub, Inc",
      "Tool: gh-sbom-0.0.8"
    "created": "2023-03-10T21:12:26Z"
  "packages": [
      "name": "gh-sbom",
      "SPDXID": "SPDXRef-mainPackage",
      "versionInfo": "",
      "downloadLocation": "git+https://github.com/advanced-security/gh-sbom.git",
      "filesAnalyzed": false,
      "externalRefs": [
          "referenceCategory": "PACKAGE-MANAGER",
          "referenceType": "purl",
          "referenceLocator": "pkg:github/advanced-security/gh-sbom"
      "licenseConcluded": "NOASSERTION",
      "licenseDeclared": "MIT",
      "supplier": "NOASSERTION"

Or for CycloneDX use -c:

$ gh sbom -c -l | jq
  "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
  "specVersion": "1.4",
  "version": 1,
  "metadata": {
    "timestamp": "2023-03-10T21:14:23Z",
    "tools": [
        "vendor": "advanced-security",
        "name": "gh-sbom",
        "version": "0.0.8"
    "licenses": [
        "expression": "CC0-1.0"
  "components": [
      "type": "library",
      "group": "github.com/cli",
      "name": "go-gh",
      "version": "1.2.1",
      "purl": "pkg:golang/github.com/cli/go-gh@1.2.1"


There is not another planned release, but bug reports are welcome via issues and questions are welcome via discussion.


This is an extension to the gh CLI. See gh CLI installation if you haven't installed gh yet.

Once gh is installed, you can install this extension with:

$ gh ext install advanced-security/gh-sbom

If you want to upgrade to the latest version you can remove and reinstall the extension:

$ gh ext remove advanced-security/gh-sbom
$ gh ext install advanced-security/gh-sbom

Finally, if you are planning to run this on a GHES instance, you will need to be on: GHES 3.8 or higher.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to LICENSE.md for the full terms.


Bug reports are welcome via issues and questions are welcome via discussion. Please refer to SUPPORT.md for details. This project is provided as-is. See