Grail Diary Part 2 - Delegates and Protocols

A student that completes this project shows that they can:

  • understand and explain what a protocol is and common scenarios for their use
  • define a custom protocol, and make a class or struct conform to it
  • understand and explain the purpose of UITableViewController
  • use a regular UIViewController to display a UITableView
  • create a custom UITableViewCell
  • understand and explain the delegate pattern and why it is used


Grail Diary is an app that allows the user to track locations of interest (POIs) and useful facts about those locations.


Please use the same repository you used yesterday for Grail Diary Part 1. If you've created a PR to submit your work, you'll continue to use the same PR. New commits will automatically be added to that PR. Just submit the same link again at the end of this assignment.

File Tasks

  1. Create a new file using the Cocoa Touch Class template; call it POIsTableViewController and use the parent class UIViewController
  2. Create 2 more files in the same way; AddPOIViewController (subclassed from UIViewController) and POIDetailViewController (also subclassed from UIViewController)
  3. Create a class subclassed from UITableViewCell called POITableViewCell
  4. Create a Swift file called POI (this is your model)

Storyboard Tasks

  1. Set the custom class for each view controller scene in the storyboard to match the names of the files you just created

Code Tasks

In POI.swift:

  1. Create a struct called POI that models 3 properties: location, country, and clues; the data types are String, String, and an array of String objects

In POIsTableViewController.swift:

  1. Create an array property to store your POI models
  2. Create an IBOutlet to link the table view to your code; wire up this outlet to the table view in the storyboard
  3. In an extension, make this class conform to the UITableViewDataSource protocol
  4. Implement the following protocol methods: tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) and tableView(_:cellForRowAt:indexPath:)
  5. Wire up the delegate property of the tableview in the storyboard to the view controller

In AddPOIViewController.swift:

  1. Declare IBOutlet properties for the 5 textfields in this view; wire these up to their appropriate textfields in the storyboard
  2. Declare a protocol above this class in the same file called AddPOIDelegate; declare a single function requirement called poiWasAdded(_ poi: POI)
  3. Declare a variable property called delegate of type AddPOIDelegate and make it optional
  4. Create 2 IBAction methods: cancelTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem), and saveTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem); wire them up to their appropriate bar button items in the storyboard
  5. Inside cancelTapped, simply dismiss this view as the user has indicated they want to leave this screen
  6. Inside saveTapped, guard unwrap the text inside the location and country textfields, initialize a POI object, and then if-let unwrap the 3 clue textfields and add them to the POI if applicable
  7. At the end of the saveTapped method, call the delegate method on the delegate property and pass the POI that was just created as an argument
  8. In an extension, make the class conform to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
  9. In the storyboard, for each textfield in this view, connect the delegate property of the textfield to this class
  10. Implement the delegate method textFieldShouldReturn(_:); unwrap the text and make sure it's not empty, then switch off the textfield to determine which one called this method; change the firstResponder status to the appropriate textfield

In POIsTableViewController.swift:

  1. In an extension, make the class conform to the AddPOIDelegate protocol
  2. Implement the delegate method poiWasCreated(_:)
  3. Append the poi that was passed into the method to your array
  4. Dismiss the view so the modal animates offscreen
  5. Reload the tableview's data
  6. In the main class definition, implement the prepare(for:sender:) method (it might be commented out)
  7. Check the identifier of the segue first; look for the identifier AddPOIModalSegue
  8. If that identifier is found, use the segue object's destination property to grab the view controller we're transitioning to and cast it as an instance of AddPOIViewController; you'll need to unwrap this as the cast may not succeed
  9. If the unwrap is successful, use the view controller you unwrapped, set its delegate property to self; this ensures the POIsTableViewController will act on behalf of the AddPOIViewController

In POITableViewCell.swift:

  1. Declare IBOutlet properties for the following cell elements: locationLabel, countryLabel, and cluesCountLabel; connect them to their appropriate labels in the storyboard
  2. Declare an optional property called poi of type POI; add a didSet observer that calls a function named updateViews
  3. Define a private function named updateViews; inside, unwrap poi and use its properties to populate the various labels with data

In POIDetailViewController.swift:

  1. Declare 3 IBOutlet properties: locationLabel, countryLabel, and cluesTextView using UILabel and UITextView for the types; wire them to their appropriate subviews in the storyboard
  2. Declare a variable property called poi of type POI
  3. Create a private method called updateViews that takes no arguments
  4. Call the above method inside viewDidLoad
  5. In updateViews, unwrap the poi property with guard and set the various model properties to the text of the labels and the textview; you'll have to do a little formatting to show the clues as a list in the cluesTextView

In POIsTableViewController.swift:

  1. In the prepare(for:sender:) method, add an else-if to your existing code to check for a different segue identifier, ShowPOIDetailSegue
  2. If that identifier is found, unwrap the selected row's index path from the tableview, and then grab the segue's destination view controller and cast it as an instance of POIDetailViewController (do these two steps together in a compound if-let)
  3. If those unwraps are successful, set the detail view controller's poi property to the appropriate POI from the array you use in this class to track all POIs


At this point, the app should run and allow new POIs to be entered. They should appear in the main tableview and when tapped, the app should transition to a detail view to show the rest of the information about each POI.