
The aim of this project is to express how we can implement a simple chat application between a server and a client. The application is a console based application and is implemented using Linux BSD Sockets. The project is executed on a Bitvise Client.

Primary LanguageC

Client Server Chat App

It is a Chat Application which handles multiple client request and has tested for all possible scenarios


➺ Client can send commands such as "ls, pwd" to the server and server send its response back to the client console.
➺ If incorrect command will be entered then Error message will be shown in the client console
➺ TCP SERVER Concurrent: multiple clients can be handled by this server
➺ Error handling when address Port/IP already in used
➺ Now second client no need to wait for first client to close by finishing its task.
➺ This server now handles n clients simultaneously.
➺ Here concurrency is achieved by creating a new child process which process each new client while parent continues to accepting new connections.

Main Technologies