
This project has been developed to demonstrate how to dockerize the SpringBoot App and MySQL database

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

docker-mysql-springboot-demo License: MIT


This project has been developed to demonstrate how to dockerize the SpringBoot App and MySQL database.

Requirements To Run Application Without Docker

  • JDK 11
  • MySQL

Dependencies And Tools Used To Build Application

  • Git
  • JDK 11
  • Spring Boot
  • data-jpa
  • starter-web
  • Maven
  • Lombok
  • MapStruct
  • Swagger

For detailed information refer to pom.xml

How to dockerize SpringBoot App & MySQL

Note: you must have some knowledge of docker as I am not going to explain in detail here, if you have any queries you can ask me.

  • There is a Dockerfile in the root directory docker-mysql-springboot-demo, this is used to dockerize the SpringBoot App

  • There is a script wait-for-mysql.sh, available in the docker-mysql-springboot-demo directory, which is helping us to start the SpringBoot App once the MySQL is ready to accept connections. You can see I have used this script in the Dockerfile.

  • The last and most important file is docker-compose.yml, which is available in the docker-mysql-springboot-demo directory, this file contains the configuration which will start the SpringBoot App and MySQL and make them connected.

Start the Application with the help of Docker

Go to the docker-mysql-springboot-demo directory and execute the following command in the terminal

docker-compose up

And we are done, the SpringBoot App will be starting on port 8081 and MySQL is on 3307

Now you can open the swagger to access the APIs: Swagger

Similarly, you can dockerize your application with MySQL.

Thank You :)