Ignite News

News App created in Flutter using News API for fetching realtime data and Firebase as the backend and authenticator.

Flutter News App with NewsApi.org

Flutter news application using the BloC and JSON API.

Data Provider: https://newsapi.org/

API Documentation: https://newsapi.org/docs


  • Explore news based on categories
  • Search for topics
  • Sharing articles


Getting Started

2. Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/JaySavani/Ignite-News.git
$ cd Ignite-News/

3. Setup firebase app

  1. You'll need to create a Firebase instance. Follow the instructions at https://console.firebase.google.com.
  2. Once your Firebase instance is created, you'll need to enable anonymous authentication.
  • Go to the Firebase Console for your new instance.
  • Click "Authentication" in the left-hand menu
  • Click the "sign-in method" tab
  • Click "Google" and enable it

4. Installation

flutter pub get

5. Run the app

flutter run