The maleness of larger angiosperm flowers

Gustavo Brant Paterno, Carina Lima Silveira, Johannes Kollmann, Mark Westoby, and Carlos Roberto Fonseca

Journal: PNAS


Supporting information: link

Content of the repository

  1. Data: the folder data contains

    • The raw and processed data files with flower biomass partition (.csv)
    • The phylogenetic trees used in the study (.tre)
  2. Images: the folder images contains

    • Flower drawings used in the manuscript figures.
  3. Outputs: the folder outputs contains

    • The figures, tables and temporary files generated.
  4. R: the folder R contains

    • Scripts (.R) to generate all figures and tables used in the manuscript and in the supporting information.

When using the data available in this repository, please cite the original publication and the dataset.

Contact for any further information.


Paterno, G. B., Silveira, C. L., Kollmann, J., Westoby, M., & Fonseca, C. R. (2020). The maleness of larger angiosperm flowers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(20), 10921–10926.

Dataset DOI


Gustavo Brant Paterno, Carina Lima Silveira, Johannes Kollmann, Mark Westoby, & Carlos Roberto Fonseca. (2020). Data and code for: The maleness of larger angiosperm flowers (v1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Open Science Framework

See the manuscript OSF Project for supporting information.