
Docker image for Continuous Integration - For Academic Purposes Only

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Continuous Integration

This image contains a Jenkins and a Sonar installation

  • Jenkins 1.632 with plugins:

    • git
    • git-client
    • scm-api
    • build-pipeline-plugin
    • parameterized-trigger
    • jquery
    • conditional-buildstep
    • run-condition
    • token-macro
    • copyartifact
    • promoted-builds
    • sonar
  • Sonar 5.1.2

    • sonar-javascript-plugin
    • sonar-build-breaker-plugin
  • Java 1.8

  • Node

  • Gulp

  • Grunt

  • Bower

  • PhantomJS

Some useful commands:

# Build the image
$ docker build --tag="ehdez73/docker-ci" .

# Run a container 
$ docker docker run -d \
      -p 8888:8080 \
      -p 9000:9000 \
      -p 9092:9092 \
      --name="ci" \

# Attach to the container
$ docker exec -i -t ci /bin/bash

# Stop the container
$ docker stop ci

# Re-start the container
$ docker start ci

# remove the container
$ docker rm ci

# remove the image
$ docker rmi ehdez73/docker-ci
