This tool help solving Block moving game
- For each Box, push to nearest Hole
- Scoring a State so that state with higher Score means closer to Goal
- State with Blocked Box (see below) have Absolute Negative Score
- State caused by a Must Move have Absolute Positive Score
- Near-By: 4 Cells around specified Box
- Box is at a corner (blocked permanently at 2 both H(orizontal) & V(ertical) directions)
- Box can only move along a line and there is not a possible Hole for that Box
- Box which's only Move is to becoming BB (as above cases)
- TBB (below) is not a BB.
- Temporarily BB is a Box that can't be moved for now but if a nearby Box move, it can move
- Box that is located on a Hole
- Is a Move that make that Box or Near-By Box become BB
- A Move that cause a Temporarily blocked Box to become Free
- A Move that make a Box closer to a Hole
- Global graph (then no recreating whole graph after each move)
- Graph is member of so call Algorithm object So we can access some closure's variable for distance calculation