
Use teachable machine to operate Google Meet

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Magik 🎩✨

A Teachable Machine based Google Chrome extension

Teachable machine is an amazing tool developed by Google that makes basic ML accessible for everyone. Integrating it into a Chrome extension allows an almost hands-free usage of Google Meet (Workspace Edition)

Whom this might help ? 🤔

  • Giving presentations while standing far from controls.
  • People with disabilities.
  • People with reduced motor function.

Installation 🎉

  • Install from Chrome Web Store (recommended)
  • Alternatively: (if you wish to train your own model)
    • Clone/Download this repo
    • (Optional) Make changes in the source code, like adding your own Teachable Machine model.
    • If you have npm installed, run npm i to install all the packages.
    • Then run npm run build.
    • In Chrome browser, open chrome://extensions and enable developer mode.
    • Click on Load unpacked, then select the dist subdirectory of the Magik directory.
  • After installation, a tab will open asking for camera access. Allow it and you are done 🎉.

Usage 🧙‍♂️

  • Open Google Meet (Workspace Edition).
  • Covering your mouth mutes the microphone.
  • Covering your eyes turns off the camera.
  • Guess what raising your hand does 🤔 ?

Note 🗒️

If you feel that the accuracy of the model is off by quite a bit, you can train your own tensorflow.js model from Teachable Machine and add that to the constants.js. After that follow the alternative installation steps mentioned above

Demo 👨‍💻

demo gif


If you want to temporarily disable the extension, it is better suited to toggle off the extension from chrome://extensions. For removing, simply click Remove in the extensions tab.

Huge credits

Thanks to Presto412 for his extension with the same functionality. It helped me understand the working and implementation of this idea. Please checkout his extension for the Typescript implementation with cooler UI.

All contributions and issues are welcome 🤗.