
Unity Version

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Good Day. May i ask which unity version i need to test this?

Best Regards.

Will it compile as is right now, or does it need some work first due to the removed components?


It's missing all of the plugins it needs to run various parts, as well as models and textures so it won't run out of the box yet. Though I'm not an official Pathea rep so maybe they would like to chime in as well. This is just my experience so far in working on the project.

This code is missing more than just a few plugins, its missing about 60% of the Unity files, even if they removed the plugins, you can easily get those back but without the rest of the Unity project, this is a dead project.


Not sure of that comment is targeted directly towards me but you’re mostly right, except that we do have access to the files, just don’t have permission from Pathea to redistribute those assets.

Still a dead project without that permission to redistribute.

I almost remade open versions of all of the assets, but it was way too time consuming and I wasn’t able to pull it off.

I think I have a fork of it up still but I don’t recall how much I got done before I left it.

I still have all the decompiled assets as well, if Pathea decides to let us use it I’d be more than happy to share.

No one wants to decompile content. I have access to all the plugins, I don't need to decompile anything. Like I said building this would take too much time. I don't need Pathea's permission for anything other than if I wanted to release this commercially. The plugins that were removed are third party plugins from other people and have no connection to Pathea at all. There is half a dozen scripts from them, but I have access to all of those as well.


Posted this on the Steam Discussion

So recently went and looked at the server files. So much content is missing since it was written in Unity from 2017. Most of the project is missing content. As for the plugins that were removed, there is a massive amount of content in the game that shows what plugins were used, you could simply download those plugins but Pathea also had a few of in house plugins they used as well as scripts which aren't part of the server files. Downloading the game and going through the files with the overview of the server files, you could piece everything together and build a server.

The main problem you will have is hosting it.

The multiplayer side will require you to setup the same MP as they used and from the code its UNET Matchmaking service.

For such a complex task it would be a massive project for someone to undertake and probably take an experienced C# dev about a week to rebuild.

Personally I wouldn't bother, too much content and messing around.

Good Luck

Yeah, that’s what I said… just not as many words. lol

I already have it compiling fine and playable for the most part, as I said earlier, without permission to release that stuff out in the open I just don’t feel the desire or need to do the last part of the work.

There’s a repo I have up you might be interested in.

Hey, I'm interested too.

I want to create a UT2004 onslaught map using the desert biome and city assets (and use the laser turret as a replacement for the energy turrets) as a homage to planet explorers, but since the assets aren't in the open source project and the exported ones are scattered all over the place I haven't been able to start on it.

Maybe you could help me out?