
Vector Serializer for Orbit.vel doesn't work

shihaocao opened this issue · 3 comments

git checkout gpstime-test

pio test -e native_common


It looks like something about the signs is getting messed up. This was discovered during flow data testing but confirmed to be a real serializer issue.

Here's the new test code that was added that exposes the problem:
auto vec_serializer = std::make_shared<Serializer<vector_t>>(7160,7360,vec_bitsize);

//make the another serialier with same inputs
auto downlink_deserializer = std::make_shared<Serializer<vector_t>>(7160,7360,vec_bitsize);

vector_t vec({0, 7200, 0});
vector_t result1;
T mag_err = lin::norm(lin::view<lin::Vector<T, 3>>( - lin::view<lin::Vector<T, 3>>(;

static const char* err_fmt_str_f = "%dth test: Input vector was {%f,%f,%f}; output"
    "vector was {%f,%f,%f}; mag_err: %f";
static const char* err_fmt_str_d = "%dth test: Input vector was {%lf,%lf,%lf}; output"
    "vector was {%lf,%lf,%lf}; mag_err: %lf";
char err_str[200];
memset(err_str, 0, 200);
const char* err_fmt_str = nullptr;
if (std::is_same<T, float>::value) err_fmt_str = err_fmt_str_f;
else err_fmt_str = err_fmt_str_d;

std::array<T, 3> result_arr1 = to_stdarray(result1);
sprintf(err_str, err_fmt_str, 69, 0.0, 7200.0, 0.0, result_arr1[0], result_arr1[1],
    result_arr1[2], mag_err);

// assert less than .1% magnitude of error vector
TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN_MESSAGE(1, 0, mag_err, err_str);

Could be a false alarm

1.0, 7200.0, 1.0 serializes without issue, as well as -1.0, -7200.0, 1.0

False alarm, can be fixed with atan2, waiving as not important.

knk38 commented

ok closing ^