
Repository for software and assets developed during Eberty's master's project

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

3D reconstruction pipeline from depth and color cameras

NOTE: this repository is still in development. Any suggestion or improvement please contact us. Feel free to use it and collaborate.


The purpose of this project is to produce a textured 3d model produced from the combination of structure-from-motion (SFM), multi-view-stereo (MVS) and deep camera capture techniques. Seeking to use low cost methodologies for 3D objects reconstruction, this project uses state-of-the-art libraries and the main elements that a 3D reconstruction pipeline should include: from the acquisition of depth and color images, alignment of captures and mesh generation, down to the texturing and realistic visualization step.

A pipeline composed of a hybrid 3D reconstruction approach was developed, combining the low resolution images of the Kinect sensor depth camera with the high resolution images of an external RGB camera, obtaining a three-dimensional models with considerable visual quality.

Abstract keywords: Low Cost 3D Reconstruction, Depth Sensor, Photogrammetry.
Keywords: C++, Structure from Motion (SFM), Point Cloud Library (PCL), Kinect, Bash Scripts.



The source code is released under the MIT license.

Author: Eberty Alves da Silva
Affiliation: Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA
Maintainer: Eberty Alves da Silva, eberty.silva@hotmail.com

The LowCost3DReconstruction package has been tested under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 19.10.




First, on your terminal, update the package manager indexes:

sudo apt update

Then install git:

sudo apt install git -y

After installing git, you can clone this git repository: git clone https://github.com/Eberty/LowCost3DReconstruction.git.

Within the install folder, there are several bash files. They are responsible for installing all the dependencies necessary for the this pipeline execution:

  1. tools_install.sh
    • To install packages that can be installed through the official ubuntu repositories
  2. pcl_install.sh
    • To install the Point Cloud Library (PCL)
  3. libfreenect2_install.sh
    • To install the driver for Kinect v2
  4. colmap_install.sh
    • To install the Structure-from-Motion (SfM) package
  5. openmvs_install.sh
    • To install the Multi-View Stereo (MVS) package
  6. super4pcs_install.sh
    • To install a set of C++ libraries for 3D Global Registration

Run source <install_file.sh> in your terminal to install each required dependency.

To make your life even easier, we packed everything in one place and you can just run:

source run_all_install.sh


NOTE: in particular, for CUDA, it was not created a bash to install it. To do this, you can follow this tutorial:

It's recommended to install CUDA before running run_all_install.sh if your PC has a NVIDA graphics card.


After all dependencies are installed, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/Eberty/LowCost3DReconstruction.git
cd LowCost3DReconstruction/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc) && sudo make install


This project involves a low cost 3D reconstruction process that presents a variation of generic pipelines methodology suggested by previous works, aiming to improve the final quality of the model and the automation of the process.

A hybrid methodology have been developed, which is composed of: capturing images of depth and color; generation of point clouds from Kinect depth images; capture alignment and estimation of camera positions for high definition images; mesh generation; texturing with high quality photos resulting in the final 3D model of the object of interest.

The methodology described here is divided into four bash script files, responsible for making calls to various image and point clouds manipulation programs in order to generate a good 3D model.

  1. capture.sh

    • To obtain depth images, the Kinect sensor (version 1 or 2) can be used. Depth images should be recorded so that the next one gradually increases the previous one until a complete cycle is performed on the object of interest. Top and bottom view images can be captured independently.
    • The meshes produced by kinect version one or two will have the same names. They will differ only by the accuracy (type) of channels in the generated depth images.
    • Copy this script into a workspace folder and execute: source capture.sh <object_name> <kinect_version=1|2>
    • The name of the object of interest is the first argument of this script, the second one indicates the kinect version used to make depth captures.
    • When the program is running, it is important to remember: The numbers 2 and 8 configures the captures from the bottom and top views respectively. The other numbers when selected sets the normal capture method. Run /usr/local/LowCost3DReconstruction/depth_capture -h to have more information.


        Image capture keys:
                    Depth      d
                    Color      c
                    Burst      b
                    Depth mesh m
        Perform all captures:  a
        View type:             Top(8), Front(*), Bottom(2)
        Close the application: esc
  2. alignment.sh

    • This script applies a rigid transformation matrix aligning the clouds obtained with the depth sensor, in a three-step process: definition of characteristics of the point clouds, simple alignment and fine registration.
    • It is easy to infer that the method will present results proportional to the better the captures by the device, that is, the lower the incidence of noise and the better the accuracy of the inferred depth. With this in mind, the depth images obtained can go through a filtering step with the application of super-resolution techniques (sr).
    • Copy this script into the same workspace folder of capture script and execute: source alignment.sh <object_name> <num_of_captures> [sr <kinect_version=1|2>]
    • The name of the object of interest is used as the first argument of this script. The second argument receives the number of captures. sr is optional and should be followed by kinect version used. Note: The number of captures does not include bottom and top views (if defined and taken manually).
  3. sfm.sh

    • This script calls a general-purpose Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipeline with command-line interface, offering a wide range of features for reconstruction with unordered image collections.
    • Based on: https://peterfalkingham.com/2018/04/01/colmap-openmvs-scripts-updated/.
    • Copy this script into the same workspace folder of the others scripts. Make sure to create a subfolder with images for SFM pipeline and execute: source sfm.sh <use_gpu=true|false> [dense]
    • If no CUDA enabled device is available, you can manually select to use CPU-based feature extraction and matching by setting the use_gpu option to false.
    • Use dense option to do a dense point cloud reconstruction in order to obtain a complete and accurate point cloud possible.
  4. integration.sh

    • The integration consists in two stages: a) alignment between the point cloud produced by Kinect and the point cloud resulted from the SFM pipeline; b) reconstruction of the object's surface and texturing.
    • In our pipeline, the high resolution photos taken with a digital camera with the poses calculated using SFM will be used to perform the texturing of the model.
    • Copy this script into the same workspace folder and execute: source integration.sh <object_name.ply> [dense]
    • object_name.ply is the file generated by alignment process.
    • Add dense option to use the dense point-cloud reconstruction obtained by SFM script.
    • If using the dense cloud, it is possible to create a hybrid model, joining the clouds from SFM and kinect, obtaining an even more accurate cloud with greater detail.

In short, you can run the pipeline with:

source capture.sh <object_name> <kinect_version=1|2>
source alignment.sh <object_name> <num_of_captures> [sr <kinect_version=1|2>]
source sfm.sh <use_gpu=true|false> [dense]
source integration.sh <object_name.ply> [dense [hybrid]]
  • Feel free to change sh files in order to get best results.

Example of running:

source capture.sh museum_artifact 1
source alignment.sh museum_artifact 30 sr 1
source sfm.sh true dense
source integration.sh museum_artifact.ply dense


source capture.sh object 2
source alignment.sh object 44
source sfm.sh cpu
source integration.sh object.ply

You can also run all the executables generated by this project separately as well. They will all be installed in the folder /usr/local/LowCost3DReconstruction. Use ./<binary_file> -h to see the options acepted by each program.

Texturization of bottom view

The images with respective poses used by the SFM system will not be able to apply a texture on the bottom of the object as this view will be hidden when object is not on air. To omit this effect, you can generate (post-apply) a second texture, using the SFM output and a photo of the bottom of the object.

To produce a file with the new cameras (raster) for this post-apply is recommended to install meshlab (latest version):

sudo apt install snap -y && sudo snap install meshlab

After, you can produce the auxiliary file with the configuration of the new cameras in the following way:

  1. Open meshlab: snap run meshlab 2> /dev/null
  2. Select File > Import mesh > "Choose the model_mesh_texture.ply file"
  3. Select File > Import Raster... > "Choose a image file"
  4. Select Show Current Raster Mode on menu
    • Press Ctrl + H to start from a initial point of view
    • You can use Mouse right button to rotate, Ctrl + Mouse right button to move and Shift + Mouse right button to scale
    • Find a good alignment of an image with respect to the 3d model
    • Select Filters > Camera > Image alignment: Mutual Information > Click on Get shot and Apply (Do this more than once for best results)
    • If in doubt, see: Raster Layers: Set Raster Camera and Color Projection: Mutual Information, Basic
  5. Select Filters > Camera > Set Raster Camera > Click on Get shot and Apply
  6. Select Filters > Raster Layer > Export active rasters cameras to file > "Choose a name, set the output format to Bundler (.out) and save using Apply"

Finally, run:

source bottom_view.sh <meshlab_bundler.out> <raster_image_files>

Note: This script uses files generated after the entire pipeline has been executed. Therefore, it must be executed from the same root folder as the other scripts.

See also


Bugs & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.