
Kube cluster for local development

Primary LanguageShell


  • vagrant
  • virtualbox


vagrant up

After the machines were provisioned, you will find in the folder data the following files:

  • config - is the config for kube. You can put in any ~/.kube/config to access the cluster
  • joincluster.sh - a bash script containing the command to join any worker in the cluster. Token valid for 24h.

To use the kubectl in any VM use the following commands:

vagrant ssh on-demand
mkdir -p .kube
cp -R /vagrant/config .kube/config

kubectl version

Install metallb

helm repo add metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
helm install metallb metallb/metallb -f /vagrant/metallb.yaml

Ingress Nginx Controller

kubectl apply -f /vagrant/nginx-ingress.yaml

The nginx ingress is modified to get the public ip from metallb. You can check it out using:

kubectl get svc -A


Change ip of the cluster API


Setup internet access on nodes

https://github.com/connectbaseer/vagrant-centos-k8s-ha-cluster https://betterprogramming.pub/how-to-expose-your-services-with-kubernetes-ingress-7f34eb6c9b5a Enjoy :)