
Mostly a convoluted bunch of threads and skeleton code, but hopefully it helps people understand tokio, rayon, websocket, database pooling and async design

Primary LanguageRust


This is a async websocket server template, with nice codegen included. Every tool required from Data Access Layer to backend endpoints are generated without user intervention.

This project is a microservice implementation.

How to build

cargo build
cargo build --release

You can find the binary in target/debug/ or target/release/ folder.

How to run

cargo run --bin auth
cargo run --bin admin
cargo run --bin user

Structure explained

src/codegen core codegen logic src/gen codegen target src/lib common code src/service implementation of services src/service/{srv}/main.rs main entry of service src/service/{srv}/endpoints.rs declaration of endpoints src/service/{srv}/pg_func.rs declaration of postgres procedural endpoints (DALs) src/service/{srv}/method.rs implementation of endpoints tests integration tests benches benchmarks docs documentation db database related files etc configuration files scripts helper scripts