
A game development tutorial using pursuedpybear.

Primary LanguagePython

PursuedPyBear Tutorial

Build games from scratch using ppb. All tutorials are Python 3.6 and rely one ppb, ppb_vector, and pygame.

How To Use This Repository

Examples are using bash.

  1. Create a project directory. Example: mkdir project
  2. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv .myvenv
  3. Activate your virtual environment: source project/bin/activate
  4. Install ppb: pip install ppb
  5. Create a main.py in your project directory.
  6. Open main.py in your favorite editor or IDE.
  7. Follow along with the tutorials in fundamentals.

From the base of fundamentals, you'll get to follow any of the other tutorials.

Any place an image is mentioned you can provide your own or use any of the ones included in the resources folder. The images will live in the root of your project folder.

Space Shooter

In the shooter-tutorial directory you'll find a tutorial that should take about two to three hours to complete that will let you make a Galaga-like shooter game.

Learn to use keyboard controls, build spawner objects, and use a data file to define how your enemies spawn.

Hack and Slash

In the hack-and-slash-tutorial directory you'll find a tutorial that should take about two to three hours to complete that lets you make a hack-and-slash RPG like Diablo or Torchlight.

You'll learn how to use a mouse control, writing interfaces, type-hinting, python AbstractBaseClasses, and very basic enemy AI.


All files included in Resources are free to use for any purpose, either under creative commons or granted explicitly.