An evolving environment to play, experiment and learn about web graphics and user interfaces
What does that even mean ?
Its basically a web application that uses Svelte to handle the state management necessary to run and interact with WebGL examples given as part of the tutorial.
The app displays a canvas, a feedback area (displayed only when there are errors in the code), and provides some controls:
- 👾 a Play button
- 🧽 a Reset button (reset current animation)
- 🚿 a Refresh button (reloads the page for now)
- an Animations menu
- inputs for 2D coordinates (for now)
You can play with it here:
Is that all??
Yes, for now =)
The development is tied to my learning WebGL, which is why it's evolving, and a playground. I also take some time to learn Svelte & Sapper as I go along.
If I don't end up fedup by all the emojis, I might continue to use the same setup for experimenting with other interactive graphics libraries that make use of the Canvas element
src: Sapper template README
However you get the code, you can install dependencies and run the project in development mode with:
npm install # or yarn
npm run dev
Open up localhost:3000 and start clicking around. Consult for help getting started.
Animation success / error Inspired by the Svelte tutorial confetti - I loved this from the first time I saw it, I just couldn't help it 😍 - and this tweet by @cassidoo
- Sapper
- Svelte
- Svelte tutorial: the best intro to Svelte, and source of the emoji animations
- WebGL examples from
- Drumroll sample from
- Get back to the WebGL bits!
- Explore how to use Svelte better