Primary LanguageC

  1. Implementation of named and unnamed pipes - NamedandUnnamedPipes.c

Question: Temperature Controller – Using named and unnamed pipes Consider three processes P1, P2, and P3 in an IoT architecture. The process P1 reads the temperature setting from the thermostats installed in a factory from five different locations, viz., L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. The recorded temperature should be in the range 15 deg Celsius to 45 deg Celsius. Process P1 collects and sends the data (user input tesmperature data) to Process P2. Process P2 calculates the average and the standard deviation of the recorded temperatures and send to Process P3. Process P3 analyses the temperatures with the average (avg) and std. deviation (sd) and performs the following:  If the location temperature is equal to avg, the location is categorized as Cat0  If the location temperature is greater than avg+sd, the location is categorized as Cat1  If the location temperature is greater than avg but less than avg+sd, the location is categorized as Cat2  If the location temperature is less than avg but greater than avg – sd, the location is categorized as Cat3  If the location temperature is less than avg – sd, the location is categorized as Cat4 The Process P3 then sends the category of each location to Process P1. The Process P1 then actuates the thermostat temperature as per the rules as follows:  Cat0: Temperature setting remains the same.  Cat1: Temperature setting is reduced by 3 deg.  Cat2: Temperature setting is reduced by 1.5 deg.  Cat3: Temperature setting is increased by 2 deg.  Cat4: Temperature setting is increased by 2.5 deg. The Process P1 then prints the revised temperature at each of the locations.

  1. Implementation of shared memory - sharedMemory folder

Question: Password Strength Calculator – Using Shared memory Consider three processes P1, P2, and P3 sharing a memory space. Process P1 receives a character array, password, of length 10 (contains both special character as well as alphanumeric characters) from the user. Process P1 stores the received character array in the shared memory. Process P2 calculates the number of alphanumeric and special characters present. Process P3 then determines the strength of the password by the following:  If number of alphanumeric characters ≥ the number of special characters, the Password is ‘Weak’  If number of alphanumeric characters < the number of special characters, the Password is ‘Strong’ Process P3 then communicates to Process P1 the strength of the password as ‘Strong’ or ‘Weak’.

  1. Implementation of message Queues - messageQueues folder

Question: Consider the scenario where there are five students (ID: 1-5), a Teaching Assistant (TA) [ID: 10], and a Course Instructor (CI) [ID: 100] in a class. The CI sends the marks scored (out of 50) by the five students via a message queue so that only the particular student can read his/her marks from the message queue. However, the TA can read the marks of all the individual students also. The TA calculates the class average and assigns a grade for each student and send it back to the CI. The students cannot read the class average and their grades* . Design and Implement the above scenario using Message Queue.

A makefile is attached along these files. command "make" is used to create the executables for all c code files in all the directories of the project folder. command "make clean" is used to delete the executables in all the directories of the project folder.