
How to create an NFT on the Cardano blockchain using JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to create an NFT on the Cardano blockchain using JavaScript

Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeOliguGn7Y

Who is this guide for?

  • For people who want to make NFT's
  • For people who perhaps know Cardano

Benefits of NFT's on Cardano

  • Low transaction fees
  • Native on the blockchain (perhaps compare with Ethereum, eth is smart contract based)


curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  1. Verify everything is set up properly


cardano-cli version

output should be similar:

cardano-cli 1.26.1 - linux-aarch64 - ghc-8.10
git rev 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


cardano-node version

output should be similar:

cardano-node 1.26.1 - linux-aarch64 - ghc-8.10
git rev 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


node -v

Overview of this tutorial

  1. verify env

  2. create project and initial setup

#make sure our db is in our $PATH

mkdir cardano-minter
cd cardano-minter
npm init -y #creates package.json)
npm install cardanocli-js --save
  1. Copy the Cardano node genesis latest build number from IOHK hydra website

  2. Download Genesis config file needed for shelly-era

nano fetch-config.sh
wget -N https://hydra.iohk.io/build/${NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json
chmod +x fetch-config.sh
  1. make src folder/directory and then create Cardano client
mkdir src; cd src
nano cardano.js
const Cardano = require("cardanocli-js");

const cardano = new Cardano({
  network: "mainnet",
  dir: __dirname + "/../",
  shelleyGenesisPath: __dirname + "/../mainnet-shelley-genesis.json",

module.exports = cardano;
  1. create wallet
nano create-wallet.js
const cardano = require("./cardano");

const createWallet = (account) => {
  return cardano.wallet(account);

cd cardano-minter
node src/create-wallet.js
  1. Verify balance wallet balance is Zero, then we fund the wallet
    • First we need to create a get-balance.js script
# open text editor
cd cardano-minter/src; nano get-balance.js
// create get-balance.js
const cardano = require("./cardano");

const sender = cardano.wallet("ADAPI");

  1. check the balance (utxo)
cd ..
node src/get-balance.js
  1. Download IPFS

  2. Upload your files to IPFS

  • image - ipfs://QmQqzMTavQgT4f4T5v6PWBp7XNKtoPmC9jvn12WPT3gkSE
  • src - ipfs://Qmaou5UzxPmPKVVTM9GzXPrDufP55EDZCtQmpy3T64ab9N
  1. Generate policy id

  2. Define your meta data

  3. create mint transaction

const fs = require("fs");
const cardano = require("./cardano");

// 1. Get the wallet
// 2. Define mint script
// 3. Create POLICY_ID
// 4. Define ASSET_NAME
// 5. Create ASSET_ID
// 6. Define metadata
// 7. Define transaction
// 8. Build transaction
// 9. Sign transaction
// 10. Submit transaction

const buildTransaction = (tx) => {
  const raw = cardano.transactionBuildRaw(tx);
  const fee = cardano.transactionCalculateMinFee({
    txBody: raw,
  tx.txOut[0].amount.lovelace -= fee;
  return cardano.transactionBuildRaw({ ...tx, fee });

const signTransaction = (wallet, tx, script) => {
  return cardano.transactionSign({
    signingKeys: [wallet.payment.skey, wallet.payment.skey],
    scriptFile: script,
    txBody: tx,

const wallet = cardano.wallet("ADAPI");

const mintScript = {
  keyHash: cardano.addressKeyHash(wallet.name),
  type: "sig",

const POLICY_ID = cardano.transactionPolicyid(mintScript);
const ASSET_NAME = "BerrySpaceGreen";

const metadata = {
  721: {
    [POLICY_ID]: {
      [ASSET_NAME]: {
        name: "token name",
        image: "ipfs://QmQqzMTavQgT4f4T5v6PWBp7XNKtoPmC9jvn12WPT3gkSE",
        description: "Super Fancy Berry Space Green NFT",
        type: "image/png",
        src: "ipfs://Qmaou5UzxPmPKVVTM9GzXPrDufP55EDZCtQmpy3T64ab9N",
        authors: ["PIADA", "SBLYR"],

const tx = {
  txIn: wallet.balance().utxo,
  txOut: [
      address: wallet.paymentAddr,
      amount: { ...wallet.balance().amount, [ASSET_ID]: 1 },
  mint: [{ action: "mint", amount: 1, token: ASSET_ID }],
  witnessCount: 2,

const raw = buildTransaction(tx);
const signed = signTransaction(wallet, raw, mintScript);
const txHash = cardano.transactionSubmit(signed);
  1. Run the minting script, then wait a few moments to check the balance (utxo)
cd ..
node src/mint-asset.js
node src/get-balance.js
  1. send your nft back to your wallet
    • Create anew script to send nft to wallet
const cardano = require("./cardano");

// 1. get the wallet
// 2. define the transaction
// 3. build the transaction
// 4. calculate the fee
// 5. pay the fee by subtracting it from the sender utxo
// 6. build the final transaction
// 7. sign the transaction
// 8. submit the transaction

const sender = cardano.wallet("ADAPI");

  "Balance of Sender wallet: " +
    cardano.toAda(sender.balance().amount.lovelace) +
    " ADA"

const receiver =

const txInfo = {
  txIn: cardano.queryUtxo(sender.paymentAddr),
  txOut: [
      address: sender.paymentAddr,
      amount: {
        lovelace: sender.balance().amount.lovelace - cardano.toLovelace(1.5),
      address: receiver,
      amount: {
        lovelace: cardano.toLovelace(1.5),
        "ad9c09fa0a62ee42fb9555ef7d7d58e782fa74687a23b62caf3a8025.BerrySpaceGreen": 1,

const raw = cardano.transactionBuildRaw(txInfo);

const fee = cardano.transactionCalculateMinFee({
  txBody: raw,
  witnessCount: 1,

//pay the fee by subtracting it from the sender utxo
txInfo.txOut[0].amount.lovelace -= fee;

//create final transaction
const tx = cardano.transactionBuildRaw({ ...txInfo, fee });

//sign the transaction
const txSigned = cardano.transactionSign({
  txBody: tx,
  signingKeys: [sender.payment.skey],

//subm transaction
const txHash = cardano.transactionSubmit(txSigned);
console.log("TxHash: " + txHash);
  1. view your nft in your wallet

  2. View your asset on cardanoassets.com

  3. View your asset on pool.pm (see the actual picture)

  4. Show the original minting metadata

  5. open the src ipfs to prove that it work