
This is a full stack real time polling application. In this application the user will see votes on the front-end as they come in, so user doesn't need to refresh the browser periodically. For front-end, Canvas JS is used to display the result in charts and for backend NodeJS and express are used. Pusher API is used for real time subscriptions.


This is a full stack real time polling application. In this application the user will see votes on the front-end as they come in, so user doesn't need to refresh the browser periodically. For front-end, Canvas JS is used to display the result in charts and for backend NodeJS and express are used. Pusher API is used for real time subscriptions. When a vote is submitted to the server through the form, Pusher will trigger the response and update the front-end i.e. result will displayed in charts.

Pusher is used to build real time applications

Step by step Approach

  • To use the Pusher API, you need to have account with Pusher. To create an account Sign up
  • After login, we are redirected to Pusher dashboard. Go to Your apps and create a new app, fill in all the details which includes choice of technology for front-end and back-end. After creating an app, you can see all the required instructions.

1. Setting up the backend with express, pusher, cors

  • Generate the package.json with command => npm init

  • Install the following dependencies

    • express
    • body-parser
      • body-parser is needed to handle form-submission (We need to get the data)
    • pusher
    • cors
      • To let people from other domain make request without having issue
    • mongoose
    npm install express body-parser pusher cors mongoose --save
  • Create app.js file with the command => touch app.js. In this, create basic express server

  • Create a public folder and create index.html inside public folder. Create the front-end form using materialize css

  • Create routes folder which will contain all the routes

2. Front-end JavaScript

  • When user hits VOTE button, it needs to make request to backend ('/poll' endpoint) and pusher will trigger an event that will be subscribed to on front-end and we will get the points and OS that was submitted along with the message.

